Part 3

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The walk home was rough.  A man on a black stallion horse flew by me and nearly hit me. As I walked home I passed a group of young boys playing baseball, I thought maybe I should join because the last time I played was with my brother Phillip and his friend Matthew, but that was nearly ten years ago, and I was afraid I lost my talent.

When I got home Elizabeth was painting our living room wall a bright yellow, which was a big change because before our walls were a grayish white. Her blouse and trousers were splattered with yellow paint, but it didn't really matter because  the clothes she wore were ancient and ratty. "I needed a change. I got sick and tired of looking at those plain walls everyday. The time is changing, so why shouldn't this house? Maybe soon we can start a garden, or plant a rose bush, or..." She ranted on and on. I didn't mind when she ranted. I actually quite liked it because it meant that she was thinking of something other the Charles. She got sad every time we talked about him, and I didn't want her to be sad. I hated when she was sad.

She handed me an apron. I pulled the old stained apron over my head, and Elizabeth came behind me and tied it for me. I grabbed a large paintbrush from the table, and begun to paint. I turned my head to look at Elizabeth, and she moved the wet paint brush down the side of my face. "Elizabeth!" I said then painted the tip of her freckled nose. 

We spent moments painting each other back and forth until we both broke out in laughter, and laughed until our chested hurt. When the laughter ended I thought I might kiss her, but voices filled my head 'God hates you'  one said, 'You shouldn't even be alive.' another said, one who another  said 'You don't actually love her!' ,but the problem was I did, and no matter how many prayers I said I couldn't stop. 

I went in to kiss her, and then pulled back. She did something the surprised me entirely, Elizabeth leaned in and she kissed me. For a while I stayed completely still, moving nothing but my lips. Then I started to move my fingers through her hair. 

She kissed me like she meant it. Like she loved.

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