Part 12

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Christopher woke up at the crack of dawn, as he usually did. He was making scrambled eggs and singing a song I believe was called 'A bird in a gilded cage'. He was rather happy to be up this early in the day. "Good morning! Lovely morning isn't it?" He said when he noticed me sitting at the counter in front of him. I lied my head on the counter and closed my eyes again. I'd woken up that early in effort to wake up before Christopher so I could wake up Elizabeth and we could have some time to our shelves. 

"Brilliant." I said. I was irritated with him, but I knew I had no good reason to be. I wanted him to leave so that I could be with Elizabeth, but that was the only real reason. The counter top was cold against my face, and I found lying here with my head on the counter was more comfortable then my own bed.

He slide a plate of scrambled eggs, and bacon toward me and I took it. "Thank you." I said and began to eat. He was a way better cook then I was, but not half as good as Elizabeth. I ate the breakfast with pleasure, and once I was done I walked over and grabbed the newspaper of the coffee table. I read over the newspaper, not very interested by it's words, and the I came by a passage that read: 'Women needed to fight in The Great War! Must be ages 18 to 38. If you care for your country, FIGHT FOR IT.'

At the time I didn't understand why anyone would choose to go fight in a war if they didn't have to, but now I understand it's not something you choose, it's something God calls you to do, and when God calls you can't ignore. I placed the newspaper back on the coffee table and grabbed a book off of my shelf and and lied on the sofa and began to read. Christopher went to the bathroom to jell his hair, and get dressed. 

After a few moments Christopher came and sat on the sofa next to me and asked what I was reading. "Othello. Written by the great William Shakespeare." I said and looked back down to my book.

"I think I may have heard of him." He was tiring to be witty. Everyone new who William Shakespeare. At the time I believed him to be one of the most talented poets to walk the earth. When Elizabeth came downstairs she noticed the paper on the coffee table. She picked up the paper and glanced over it. "Hmm." She said, and then she folded it neatly and carried it with her back up the stairs.

After Elizabeth went back up the stair case Christopher turned to me and asked, "What did the paper say?" He usually read the paper, or at least glanced over it so I was surprised to hear that he hadn't read it.

"'Wanted Female soldiers.'" I told him without thinking anything of the fact that Elizabeth had just taken the paper upstairs with her.

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