Part 7

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We were both so afraid by who might be on the other side of that door How long had they been out there? Had they seen us? Elizabeth broke away from like her life depended on it because it did. If anyone found out about us our life could be at risk. We could be thrown into prison or  sentenced to death. "C-come in." Elizabeth shouted to the figure at the door. 

I heard the doorknob twist, and then he stepped inside. To my relief it was only our kind neighbor James who had visited me while I was at home healing. "Hello Helen." He said then noticed Elizabeth standing in the corner bitting her finger nails anxiously, afraid that we had been caught. "A hello to you too Elizabeth." He waved over to her.

She waved back at him and looked out the small window.

"What can I do for you, James?" I asked. 

He stood there in warn out brown trousers and a stained shirt. It looked like he'd been through hell. "I've just come to tell you that my brother and I will be leaving this afternoon for battle. I've come to say goodbye." He announced. 

I had almost completely forgot that James and Matthew were going off to fight for our country in the same war that killed our beloved Charles. I nodded and said what first came into mind, "Good luck." That was the best advice that I could give to him because I knew I couldn't stop him from leaving. 

Once James was gone I realized had Elizabeth began to cry. I knew she was scared out of her mind, but relieved he hadn't seen us doing what we were doing. I went over to hug her, but she pulled away not wanting my comfort. "It's okay. We're okay." I said trying to comfort her the only way she would let me. 

"It's not. It's not, Helen! What would we have done if he'd seen us? Would we have said? We would be dead, Helen!" Elizabeth shouted at me for the first time in years. I knew that she wasn't mad at me, she was mad at the world. 

"We would have made it through together!" I didn't mean to yell, but I did. 

"We could be killed! Do you realize how close we were? It's only a matter of time before we get caught, and they kill us!" She shouted tears pouring down her face. 

"That's not going to happen!" I said.

"You don't know that!" She yelled. She was crying harder then ever he face had went pink and her eyes and turned pink.

At this point I was getting angry. I didn't want to stand there and let her yell at me. "I'm not gonna let that happen!" I shouted. "You're the one who kissed me! I know your scared, I know you're sad, but it's not my fault!" I said as I walked toward the door to leave.

"I love you." She said. No she didn't. If she really loved me she wouldn't care what anyone else thought.

I shook my head "No you don't. Don't say it if you don't mean it. That's not something you just blurt out to everyone you meet!" I too had began to cry. "It means something, Elizabeth. It means something to me." 

I left the building, and Elizabeth behind.

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