kuroo tetsurou•bokuto koutarou•reader(smut)

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I cannot begin to tell you how furiously I wrote this after reading the comments thread. I wrote this in an hour, I did not proof read it, but I mean I managed to do it. Here's your pile of steaming hot garbage. @Grimm_kitty_  @kurroscvmslvt  dumb_b1tchand especially @lilboredweeb who learned something new from this atrocity.


You rung in the new year, literally. At the shrine closest to your apartment that wasn't too crowded, which was lucky since you lived in Tokyo. There were little shrines and shops always crammed in the alleyways everywhere you looked. So what did you wish for on the first shrine visit in 2021? Escape from the pandemic.

Ever since it started, your boyfriend, Kuroo had been letting his long-time friend Bokuto Koutarou stay at your shared apartment. It was fine during the first few weeks of lockdown. You were super stoked that such a big name in volleyball was staying in your home. But of course, as time wore on, you became jaded. Especially when you came to find out that Bokuto was no more than an overgrown child.

After a month of him staying, you woke to find his meaty arm wrapped around your boyfriend's waist. Understandably, you were frustrated and confused. However, Your boyfriend assured you that was just the kind of person Bokuto was. He was an extrovert, he always wanted to be around people, even if those people didn't want to be around him.

After the third month of him staying, he got even more touchy feely. He would wrap his arms around Kuroo as he made breakfast in the morning, offering his lap for you to sit on when he was sprawled out on the couch, running his fingers through your hair when you read, massaging Kuroo's shoulders while he worked. Eventually, these friendly touches became mutual. Without being invited, you curled up next to him on the couch, and you played with his hair and gently massaged his leg when he got a cramp.

Months later, Bokuto finally kissed you. You thought it would never happen, but you were so glad it did. Right there standing in the kitchen, drying the dishes as Kuroo handed them to you, Bokuto captured your lips in a kiss. Nearly dropping your plate, you staggered back and stuttered. To which, both of the men laughed, a joke that you hadn't been let in on, it annoyed you. Of course, that lead to the three of you having a very mature adult conversation about the expectations of the relationship.

Since then, the three of you had been attached by the hip. You cared about the both of them, but you had to admit it was getting old. Any time one of you went out, all of you went out. Grocery store, down to get the mail, to take out the garbage. It never ended.

You had taken your time walking home. The streets of Tokyo were nearly deserted, an alien landscape you had never experinced in all of your time living there. It was enjoyable to be alone for a while. But of course, you were glad when you got home and unravled your scarf to the delicious smell of your favorite meal. Your mouth practically watered.

The two men greeted you when they heard you enter, looking a bit antsy, eyes darting between each other all throughout dinner. Something was fishy, but you weren't going to let whatever childish scheme ruin your meal, it could wait. They cleaned up dinner by themselves, urging you to read a book in the living room while they did so. But how could you possibly concentrate with the two of them whispering in the kitchen behind you?

They spoke loud enough for you to be able to hear and not ignore them, but not loud enough for you to be able to discern whatever it was they were arguing about. How were you ever to be expected to read with all of that going on?


"I don't know what the two of you are plotting, but I don't like the smell of it." You said, narrowing your eyes at the men after exiting the bathroom in your pajamas. Bokuto, as if on reflex sniffed himself quickly.

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