sugawara koushi•reader (fluff)

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Mommy Dearest

You hadn't been in a proper relationship with Sugawara for all that long. It was only a month into your relationship when you finally started holding hands. At this point, calling on each other by your given name or even kissing would be eons away. Not that you minded very much; in fact, you found the third-year's greatest charms laid within his patience and gentle nature.

He was nearly excessively caring towards you and always respectful. It completely entranced you, the way he could be a decent boyfriends and have a mature relationship without the need for unnecessary touching. By all means, a perfectly upstanding person.

You were planning on surprising the setter by meeting up with him after practice when you heard a particularly embarrassing exchange from the other side of the gymnasium doors.

"Mom, could you toss just one more ball?" A voice called, excitedly.

There was a pause and the sound of volleyballs hitting the finished wood floor ceased. A loud cackle, which could belong to no one other than the Tanaka Ryuunose.

The small spiker immediately clenched his lips shut and his face flushed in embarrassment. Ennoshita and Daichi exchanged a stiff glance before stifling laughter. Tsukishima was the one who spoke up and began teasing the first-year.

Sugawara was still frozen, he too was embarrassed, and had no idea how to react. This wasn't the same as calling one of your female teachers 'mom'; this was calling a man, only two years his senior, a traditionally female figure.

"It's.... fine, it was just a mistake." Suga managed to laugh it off with a hesitant, unsteady voice.

Until he turned his head around and saw you. Doubled-over in laughter, tears in your eyes, laughing so hard that you weren't making a sound. Sugawara grew red up to his ears.


"Suga-kun..?" You moped, on tour way home after practice. "I promise I won't laugh again." You begged your boyfriend, who had been giving you the silent treatment. "Please don't be cross with me!" You tugged at his jacket.

The pretty setter avoided your gaze, yeah he was quite upset. However he was not angry, but rather ashamed. His muffler was concealing a pout. pTugging on his arm, you beckoned him to look into your eyes.

"Let me say my piece." You pleaded.

He only hesitantly looked in the opposite direction, stopping on the street corner.

"So what if Hinata-chan called you 'Mom'?" You asked rhetorically. "Mothers are the kindest, sweetest, and some of the most amazing people in the world!" You defended. "I think you should be flattered to be recognized as the 'Team Mom'!"

"...the first time..." The silver-haired setter stuttered.

"What?" You question, looking at him puzzled.

"It wasn't......" He was talking inaudibly, you couldn't understand what the remainder if his sentence was. He was tugging at the scarf and pulling it over his mouth.

"I can't hear you Suga-kun."


so, umm... i had trouble with ending this one. i am afraid it's terribly short and not that romantic, but i find these cute 'normal' scenarios in a relationship so amusing. also i think sugamama would be really cute with a scarf. (•ө•)

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