kageyama tobio•female reader (fluff)

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Spell It Out

Being in a healthy relationship is hard enough, especially when you are in Highschool and just trying to find your limits. Often, it's hard for teenagers to make and withhold respect for the blurry boundaries between love and lust. Those relationships never seem to work out, and more often than not, end in complete failure in the shortest amount of time.

Luckily for you, you had recently entered a relationship with a seemingly respectable and tame boy, while his manner of speaking may have been rather gruff, he was a rather honorable boyfriend. He was everything you had hoped he would be,.... well the way you wanted him to be when you asked him out around three months prior. There were no secrets, not that there was ever anything to really hide. You kept proper distance, arranging dates often as possible, but not interfering too much with each other's schedules, extracurricular or otherwise. And you refrained from excessive physical contact under the ever-scrutinizing gaze of the public eye.

Quite frankly, he was perfect, too perfect. For weeks you wanted to take another step in the relationship, you wanted to discover what Kageyama was into other than volleyball. Even with him being too blunt at times, or not always voicing his opinions, he was easy enough to read his intentions.

The first failure was when you decided to call him by his given name. "Tobio-kun!" You cooed, scooting closer to him on the couch in his lounge as you spent movie night together.

"Hmm?" He mumbled, too deeply engrossed in the movie to even notice.

"We have been a couple for a while now...," you turned you head way and looked at your lap, your tongue started slipping and felt difficult to move as you spoke, "I think we should call each other by our names."

Even after all of your efforts he simply turned to you with his average, emotionless face and replied with: "Okay."

You wouldn't let yourself be discouraged, you decided that you would try to lure him with your feminine charms. "Oh no~!" You exclaimed, looking outside to the rain falling just beyond the school entrance. "Tobio-kun, I forgot my umbrella." You looked expectantly at your boyfriend as he tapped his foot into his shoes. "Can we share one?"

"I didn't know it was going to rain today, you should walk home with one of your friends, I will wait until the rain lets up." He was just trying to be considerate, but for some reason you felt frustrated.

"But.... I want to walk home with Tobio." A rather whiny excuse, but you were hoping it would be worth the scene you were causing. If you couldn't share an umbrella together, then maybe seeing your bra through your soaked uniform would earn a response out of him.

Much to your dismay, the rain started to let up halfway through your run home, so not only was your blouse not soaked, but Kageyama had insisted on you wearing his uniform jacket. The only thing that had gotten wet was your socks and shoes.

You could work with this though, since he was already drenched and on his way to your house, you could offer him a bit of hospitality before your family came home. "Tobio-kun, I feel bad for dragging you with me through the rain, and even taking your jacket." You mustered up all of your courage, gripping one of the too-long sleeves of his jacket. "I wouldn't want you to catch a cold, so why don't you come inside and shower, I will dry your uniform while you bathe."

Surprisingly enough, he didn't put up much of a fight, and took you up on your offer. While he was showering, you quickly changed into an oversized tee-shirt and a pair of shorts that barely even peeked below the hem of the tee-shirt. Sitting in your room, expectantly, tea freshly set out on your collapsible low-rise table. You heard the water shut off and almost died in anticipation as Kageyama would walk into your room, freshly showered, wearing only-...

A pair of athletic shorts and tee-shirt. "Jeeze! Where did you get that from?" At first, Kageyama was completely stunned. He couldn't even fathom what else he should have been wearing when he's just gotten out of the shower while alone with his girlfriend; much less, why is girlfriend happened to be so riled-up. He was petrified and stood completely straight. "Seriously," you sighed, standing up from the cushion on the floor and making your way over to him, "what am I going to do with you?" You ran a hand through your hair.

" ____-chan, I do not understand. What are you so upset about?" That, the mixture of your boyfriend asking you that question paired with the utter brick-consistency of denseness he must have possessed in order to not comprehend the situation what-so-ever, was the final straw. You were going to burst.

"Damn it!" You swore, even though you tried to keep your vulgar language to a minimum while around Kageyama. In a flurry of passion and emotion you pushed him onto your bed and pinned his shoulders down with all of your strength and then planted your lips onto his for a long kiss. Panting from exerting so much force on him, you felt your face flare up in embarrassment. "I thought you would have caught on by now, I like you Tobio-kun." You traced your eyes from his, gasping, flushed, face and then trailed your vision down to his mid-torso where you straddled him. "Just do me already!"

yahoo~! so this one ended up pretty long, i don't know if i will continue this one in a lemon in the future or not. comment down below whether or not i should, and don't forget to request!

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