tendou satori neutral reader (angst?)

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I am not great at writing angst, this is more of a kinda love to hate i guess. People are messed up and I am no exclusion. Hope you will accept this,  Anastasija39724.

the most unromantic way 

Maybe you just had really bad taste, but there was something about the redhead on the volleyball team that enticed you. It was bothersome, really. Even though you knew so much about how he was and how much, he as a person seemed to care little about others he didn't deem useful, you still liked him. It annoyed you that, without thinking, you always went to all of the volleyball matches available. In the hallways and cafeteria, your eyes always landed on him. It really was such a nuisance.

There wasn't a particular moment in your life where you had seen a certain side of him nobody else knew, or watched him shelter a kitten in the rain, or anything else that could have caused you to have a change of heart about his personality. In fact, you had no idea what attracted you to him in the first place. He had a nice body, but his face was... well, a bit eerie at times. He was tall, which was a bonus, but it made him stand out so much. Every second you liked him, you hated yourself more. You had no chance, and even if you did, maybe you didn't want to take it.

You ran into a wall. At least, you had originally thought it was a wall, except walls do not talk. "Hey, watch where you're going!" You looked up from the floor and at the last person you expected to see, Tendou Satori. You felt embarrassed but kept your face neutral. "Oh, were you looking for me?" You shook your head and tried to walk around him but he cornered you. "The roof is off limits, you know."

Of course you knew that, that's why you wanted to skip self-study and sit up there where you could finally get some peace and quiet. "So?"

"So? I have never seen you up here before, so you must have been looking for me."

"No offense, but you are probably the last person I wanted to see right now." It wasn't a lie. He was the last student you wanted to see, but if it had been a teacher you would have been screwed.

"How mean, and here I was thinking we could be friends." The way he said it was more teasing and playful than you could stand.

"Tendou-san, I do not want to be your friend, I have no intentions to ever do so." You answered honestly, a bit angrily at that.

He looked a bit shocked and then a smile spread over his face. "Oh?" He seemed pleased, it was irritating. You pushed past him.

"Yes, now if you were leaving, don't let me hold you up."

"How can I leave now?"

"Suit yourself." You opened the door to the roof with a hairpin and sat out up top. It was warm with just the perfect amount of breeze, you sat in the shade and leaned against the stairwell wall.

Twenty minutes passed by, your eyes were closed and you were feeling at ease, your breathing was slow and steady.

"Are you sleeping?" Tendou whispered in a way where he was also yelling and it was at a normal volume.

"I would be if you quit staring at me and shut up."

"Feisty, you are all piss and vinegar, huh?" He grinned. "Luckily you're cute."

Your face grew hot, in anger. "Could you please either shut up and leave, you are such a nuisance." Really, how hard was it to be left alone so you could suffer by yourself?

"What would I ever do if you got lonely, we are friends!"

"You don't even know my name and we are in the same class." You deadpanned.

He clutched a hand to his heart dramatically, "Of course I know what your name is."

You gave him a look of disbelief.

"Hime-sama." You gagged.

"That's disrespectful."


"Has anyone ever told you that you are, perhaps, the peskiest person alive?" He was grinning, much to your chagrin.

"You are so cute when you are mad." He poked your cheek, enjoying your torment. You slapped his hand away.

If only he had said those things a year earlier, you would have been putty in his hands. But now that you were in this resolute state, you held yourself back. There was no heart skipping a beat, only embarrassment.

Before, if he had given you any attention, you would be at his mercy, but now, you felt nothing. The feeling you once called love, it made you ashamed. When he touched your skin, it felt like ants crawling on you. His voice made you shiver in the most unromantic way. Looking at him, it was painful and brought you back to all of the feelings of self-loathing.

"Tendou Satori," you began, standing up, "you disgust me." 

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