aakashi keiji•female reader (lime)

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To The Brink

Akaashi wasn't handsome or cute. His slender yet toned build was graceful and lax. His sharp nose and thin, pink lips were smooth and alluring. The man's eyes, glittering in the dimly lit bedroom were as seductive as ever. He had a softly spoken and soothing voice when he addressed you. Still, this creature wasn't handsome, nor was he pretty. Akaashi possessed a combination of divine attributes that could only be described in the word 'beautiful'.

He had a gentle way of handling you, and he always insisted  permission before the two of you kissed. Instead of being annoyed and telling him he should take more initiative, you returned the gesture. You never pressured your lover into kisses or other wise, and he treated you with the same respect. It drove you crazy in the best possible way. Not only did he leave his defenses down around you, but the way he acted practically encouraged you to make the first move. "May I kiss you?" You mustered up the courage to ask.

His features softened and there was no trace of a smile on his face. He was starfished on the bed in your apartment. You had yourself sat cross-legged next to him. The thing about your relationship was that you didn't need to see him smile to know he was happy. The two of you didn't need to cling to each other to know you had a mutual attraction. Communication between you was a conversation founded on understood silence. He went quiet.
Having just come back from his part-time job after school, he was dog-dead tired. Fresh out of the bath, you could smell the sent of shampoo and soap strongly. He was in his pajamas, a ratty tee shirt and boxers (though somewhere throughout the night one of the two of you always ended up tossing the shirt to the side).
You half-expected him to refuse you. Akaashi only nodded his head slowly and surely, still without a smile.

After all of these days spent together, the blush never faded from your cheeks. You promised yourself it would just be soft and sweet, but your lips touched his lips. They felt right, you knew every crease and curve of these lips. His mouth was like your own, two pairs that fit into each other and felt right together.  When you licked his lip for permission, he granted; you knew the inside of his mouth all too well. His flavor was essentially nothing, but you could taste the hints of mouthwash and the all-too-familiar lip balm you were wearing. Without breaking part, you deepened the kiss, your hands had been supporting you on the mattress and you pushed yourself up and crawled over his torso and straddled his abs. The two of you broke apart, out of breath and full of energy. One of your hands was curled up and tense on the fabric of the fitted sheet, while the other was raking through you hair, pushing it out of your eyes.

"More?" Akaashi asked breathily; his eyes looked steadily and in sync with yours, it was barely even a question. Leaning downwards, you slid your free hand under his shirt, pausing over his heart and feeling the pulse from under his skin. He discarded his tee shirt and proceeded. You began to nibble at his bottom lip, tracing his jawline with your fingers. His own arms laced around you, one hand rested on the small of your back, and the other kneaded your shoulder blade, his hand roamed your upper back and he was whirling the bra strap between his fingers. Much to his surprise, you were only wearing panties under your (his) oversized shirt and not shorts like normal. He continued the motions, massaging your upper back and holding your hips steady with the other.

The kiss this time was sloppy and ragged breaths escaped from your nostrils. Akaashi had closed his eyes, while yours remained half-lidded.  He reached over to the clasp of your bra and pinched it so it opened. A trail of wet kisses led down to his collarbone where you left love bites and hickeys.  He made a noise in his throat  and  you traced the contours down his naked chest. "So you want to top today?" The dark-haired man asked cooly, in the same fashion one would use to inquire the weather forecast. It drove you to the edge, you wanted to hear his voice churn with emotion. You were determined to make him moan and did not plan on giving up until you did.

You stopped kissing his neck and sat up to nod in confirmation. He stopped fiddling with your unclasped bra and drew his large hands from under your shirt; you pulled both it and your bra off in one fluid motion. In an instant, his eyes were drawn to your breasts and he watched as you arched your back to swoop back down on him. He was getting turned on and you could feel it. Rolling your hips on top of his, you used a secret weapon. "Keiji." You moaned dangerously close to his mouth, he could feel the vibrations on his skin. This earned an immediate response from his nether regions. He now had his fingers hooked on the band of your panties, sliding them lower on your hips and exposing your flesh just the slightest.

He loved it when you called his name. He was overwhelmed when you took control. You drove him absolutely crazy.

You were unpredictable, you said whatever you wanted, and it made him nuts. With you, he couldn't tell if the relationship was forever or not. God, he hoped it was. That uncertainty fueled him, he was constantly on his toes, doing the best to stay by you.

Both of you knew each other in and out. Constantly vying for the other's affections. The two of you were violent and calm, like the beauty of natural disaster. Nothing could break you apart except for yourselves.

Whatever you wanted of him was yours, you need only ask.

Politely passionate, Akaashi would request a kiss, you relented.

Every single time.

The End

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