oikawa tooru•reader (fluff)

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It Was(n't) a Date

It was a normal autumnal afternoon in your life. The stray fallen leaves overhanging your path crunched heartily under your loafers. You passed a lamppost and let out a sigh of exasperation. "Oikawa-senpai, what are you doing?" The crunching ceased and you paused.

"Eh? You could see me~?" He asked, slithering from being the light post and ruffling his hand through the back of his hair sheepishly. His face was unapologetic and intentionally 'childishly mischievous'.

"Seriously, I don't have time for this." You muttered crossly and then continued shuffling through the crisp leaves. You could audibly hear his footsteps behind you, slow-paced and lazy.

"What's that about?" The third-year whined. "All I wanted to do was spend some time with my favorite kouhai~."

"I thought your favorite kouhai was Tobio-chan?" You responded flatly, but imitated the name eerily close to the way Oikawa would. (meanwhile in miyagi: Kageyama Tobio breaks out into a cold sweat and begins to sneeze furiously)

"That's only in volleyball."

"Mmmhmmm" you mumbled in disbelief. "Now that you mention it, shouldn't you be at practice right now? Don't you think you're setting a bad example, as the captain, for skipping out?"

"We have break days." He said matter-of-factly. His legs were longer than yours were, and he ended up meeting your stride and passed in front of you.

"Oh, goody!" You grumbled. He turned around and walked backwards down the sidewalk just to face you.

"How rude!"

He followed your lead to the park in your neighborhood

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He followed your lead to the park in your neighborhood. If it were anyone who were of less beauty than him, he would have been perceived as a stalker and reported. Unfortunately for you, this enabled him to follow you further. No stranger would step in and help you. They wouldn't want to interrupt a date.

You decided to stop by a street vendor. "One deluxe Nutella crepe with strawberries, banana, almonds, and one scoop of matcha ice cream please?" You order in the sweetest way possible.

"That'll be 670 yen please." The vendor responds, awaiting payment.

"Oh, my boyfriend here will pay for me." You smirked, turning to the stunned third-year.

"I'm not her-..."

"C'mon senpai~, don't be so shy." You purred, batting your eyelashes at him flirtatiously. Internally, it was as if you could feel Satan, himself breaking through the Earth's crust just to give you a wicked high-five.

The visibly uncomfortable crepe vendor shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

Your senpai relented, pulling out his wallet from his trouser pocket. "Anything for you~" He cooed, but you could hear the venom in his tone.

You gave him a shit-eating grin that could give even Kuroo Tetsuroo a run for his money.

"Ha ha ha, very funny little stunt you pulled there." He was smiling but you couldn't help but smile just a bit wider as his brown eyes twitched in fury and irritation.

"It was the least you could do, after all, you are borderline stalking me." You perched yourself onto a park bench and proceeded to bite into the sweet treat without any remorse.

It was too much though, and the insane amount of flavorful sugar was beginning to make you feel sick. Maybe it was because you were full of sweet revenge, or maybe you regretted your actions deep, deep down. You offered to split it with Oikawa and put it into his hands.

It was nice, a warm treat in the bitter autumnal cold. You looked at him from the side as he chewed some strawberries. He looked kind of cute with his glasses and his pretty little mouth shut. "Adorable." You whispered spastically, but you genuinely meant it.

Oikawa turned his neck and looked at you, head cocked to the side quizzically. "Did you say something?"

"Nothing." You replied, wiping the whipped cream off of his nose with your finger and then licking it off said finger.

He was startled, only for a moment. He remembered he was Oikawa Tooru: ladykiller extraordinaire. The third year recovers quickly went back to eating as if it never efeccted him. "Why do you keep following me around?"

He paused, considering the question. "It's bizarre, and kinda creepy." You elaborated.

"Well that's what girls do when they like me." He answered, a vacant tone to his voice.

"Now, have you ever looked at these behaviors in those admirers and thought 'hey, I want to date that'?" You ranted, crossing your arms.

He was speechless, and kind of just stared off into space without a word. He looked like some sort of perplexed fish.

"Thought so." You retorted with an 'I-told-you-so' sort of tone. Silence followed for the next twelve minutes, you were off playing neko atsume on your phone while Oikawa slowly finished the crepe in contemplation.

"So what do you want?"  He asked soberly.

"For starters, you can treat me with the respect of a human being. Don't follow  me around, respect my boundaries." You drew a deep breath and released it in steam. "You can be you."


sooo i wanted to put this out before autumn ends. it's what i consider to be the last day of fall right now so i made it!

i may continue this? i don't know. i been going through artist's block and a depressive episode popped up about a month ago. just bear with me, exams are in two weeks. but i am hoping to do a lot more updates. yes, i am working on a few different oneshots for this book as well as my kagehina fic (boys, bruises, and babysitting). as well as my kageyama fic (tyrant).

so please check them out and i will try to update very soon!

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