akaashi keiji•fem reader (smut)

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how he looks when nobody's watching

There was always something about the reserved man that you couldn't quite shake. By all means, he was handsome, well-mannered, reserved, pretty ideal when it came to office matters. Everyone in the office daydreamed about him, yourself included. That's why you didn't understand what about Akaashi Keiji felt off, but after three months of being at the company, you decided it probably wasn't important.

What was important? Well, your quarterly report, of course. And who better to be your interviewer than Akaashi Keiji?

Of course it had to be him. Though your office job was routine, your after work schedule was, routine, meeting up with friends was routine, even the things you ate started to all blend together. He just had to come along and be the exception to turn everything on it's head.

You sat in a chair in the office conference room, twisting your fingers in your lap. It was hard not to be nervous when his ever changing eyes peered through your report, and possibly tore through your soul when he took a moment to glance at you. You remember feeling that every time you'd catch him looking at you. A shiver ran down your spine.

"Shall we begin?" He asked, staring at you intently.


He didn't have anything particularly negative today, in fact, he praised you for your good work in the company, which startled you. You didn't take him for one to give out praise when it wasn't warranted.

It lifted your spirits a bit. You felt more secure in the meeting and relaxed a bit.

"I haven't seen a new employee do this good in their first quarter in quite some time." He smiled at you a bit. When he did, you felt fuzzy. Somehow that gesture felt more like praise than his words. "We should celebrate this."

"Pardon?" You asked, trying not to sputter.

He looked at you, his smile gone, but the warmness lingered on his face. "I said, we should celebrate this. How about you and I get drinks after hours?"

Time was moving too fast, except for when you looked at the clock and it felt like it was ticking by extremely and unbearably slow. You couldn't tell if you were excited for after work or dreading it.

What you did know for sure was that your lack of concentration today was seriously going to impact next quarter's report. Maybe Akaashi had congratulated you too early.

You looked at the clock with your glazed-over eyes then you heard a throat clear behind you, on time as always.

Getting drinks was rather refined. He wasn't the kind of person to push someone to drink. You ordered a peach fizz because it sounded like it would be very good, and it was. Akaashi drank whiskey soda. It was surprising enough to see him in a bar, anywhere outside of the office really.

The more you talked to him, the easier it got. He loosened up and seemed to actually have more of a sense of humor than you had anticipated.  You learned a lot more about him while the two of you drained your glasses. He had been on a volleyball team in high school, and his closest friend was someone named "Bokuto-san" from his volleyball team. He spoke very fondly and highly of his friend and you found that sweet.

You told him a bit about you, not too much, enough so he would ask you more questions. The hours flew by. You were already thoroughly tipsy when Akaashi suggested that the two of you should finish the night off with a celebratory shot of sake. The two of you clinked glasses. "To my most promising new coworker." He raised his cup.

"To my attractive supervisor." You thought and then shot back your drink. You looked at him, he had set his cup down and his cheeks were flushed from alcohol.

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