sweetie pie - kozume kenma/reader

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Hello everybody, I am all moved into my apartment and my first week at uni has ended. I will be posting some of your request that I had backlogged. This is dedicated to requester SeshiSunshi! Enjoy!

Maybe you shouldn't have expected anything. You knew what Kenma was like, how he reacted to things, and some of his greatest concerns. Studying was not one of them. No matter how much time Kenma spent playing video games, it seemed to impact his grades none. Even during tournaments and release dates for a new game where he got little sleep, he seemed to skate by unscathed. So it should have come to no surprise that when you were cramming, he was not the least bit concerned.

You were not so lucky in this aspect. Sure, you weren't a model student, maybe you didn't always put your all into it every single day, but you aimed to get passable grades that would somehow promise you a good future.

"In 1989, citizens in Germany gathered in the same place, for the first time in nearly half a century without fear of- ." Plastic tapping plastic, digitized music and exaggerated roars from a fantastical beast. " Without fear of being- ." The groans of the player's character taking damage and grunting in exertion. " Targeted by the-" A noise signaling that the game was over.

Your pencil lead snapped. "Kenma,could you please take your game somewhere else?" You asked through gritted teeth, scrubbing your face with your palms and sighing. "You can goof off right now but I can't."

The only response you got was footsteps receding and the door closing. You didn't have time for this, you had to get back to studying.

"After the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, the iron curtain dissolved, marked by the dissolution of the Soviet Union on-..." There was a loud noise, you shot up, "The first of September, 1991!" You shouted, eyes wide, a pencil fell onto the table, you rubbed your cheek where it had made an indent. You didn't know what time it was, but you felt like you had never fallen asleep in the first place. You looked around, bewildered, stifling a yawn. "Sorry to wake you." Kenma muttered, holding a tin in his mitt-clad hands.

You weren't sure you were awake, if you were being honest. You had never seen Kenma do much more than microwave, you had no idea he was capable of making anything. You rubbed your bleary eyes. "It's a dream?" You asked.

He shook his head. "I thought about what you said earlier." He took off one of his mitts and set it on the desk in front of you, protecting the surface from the hot tin. "I didn't realize how stressed you would be over midterms." You nearly drooled at the scent. How on earth could you have been asleep long enough for Kenma to get ingredients together and make muffins?

"I-I-..." You stammered, unable to vocalize how sorry you were for snapping, but also the abundant appreciation you now had for his way of making up.

"Let's take a break for now, and then I can try to help you study, okay?" You could have cried, opening your arms and waiting for him to step into them so you could hug his waist.

"I love you, Kenma." He carded his fingers through your hair.

"I love you too."

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