nishinoya yuu•fem reader (fluff)

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Flightless Crows

It wasn't at all romantic, the way you met him. You were just a first year on the volleyball team. Nothing special. Seeing him in passing after practices as you went to your respective club rooms. Occasionally seeing him in the courtyards or in passing on your way into morning practice. But the first time you really met him, it was after you tasted your first real defeat. You weren't a regular on the team yet, but still, as the next libero, it was a lot to live up to when your team lost. The third years were absolutely crushed. It wasn't long after that graduation came and you saw them away.

The pressure was on, and you were starting to feel it. You felt completely underqualified. Sure, you knew how to play, but you felt like you would always pale in comparison to your senior before you, and even more so the libero of the boy's volleyball team. And that's where you decided. If you wanted skills to rival the best libero you had ever seen, you were going to have to study.

They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but truthfully, you found it embarrassing. You snuck around, long after practice was over, to watch him when he stayed late. Of course, it was risky, god knows what you would say if you got caught. He was by himself this time. His form was beautiful, he was lithe and light on his feet, though they stayed on the ground. That's what it means to be a libero, the anchor for the team. Entranced, his every move captivated you, you committed every move to memory. And maybe, that's why, you didn't notice the footsteps behind you.

"Ah, excuse me?" You jumped, letting go of the edge of the window and falling on the ground. You relaxed when you saw it was only the boy's volleyball manager, Yachi Hitoka. You had had been in the same class in first year. "I'm sorry!" She started panicking. "Are you alright?"

You put a hand over her mouth before she could yell more. You scanned around you. "Please be quiet." You pleaded and she nodded, her breath evening out.

"But what are you doing here?" You blushed, fidgeting with your fingers, "I wanted to watch." You said it quietly, somewhat bashful.

"Practice is over?" She tilted her head to the side in confusion.

You shook your head. "Not for him."

Yachi peered in the window. She turned to you and gave you a starry smile. "You like Noya-san?"

You blushed harder. "It's not like that!" You paused a moment. "I just like watching him play."

Yachi didn't buy it, she grabbed your arm, "You should go talk to him!" She opened the door and dragged you inside, interrupting and confusing the boy. You were beet red.


After a particularly awkward introduction from both parties, Nishinoya Yuu decided to help you, after the misunderstanding from Yachi was cleared up. From that day onwards, the both of you stayed later. The time flew by. Your team made it to the finals, and he came to show his support.

"Nishinoya-senpai!" You cried it out as you ran to him outside the sports complex once the game was over. "We made it!" You did it without thinking, really, you leapt into his arms and he caught you. You were crying, happily.

He grinned at you. "Of course you did, I taught you, after all." He said haughtily. You let go and were back on the ground.

"Noya-senpai, you're getting a big head there." You poked him in the forehead playfully, smiling. There was a blush staining both of your cheeks as it all sunk in. "Um, senpai, I-." You were cut off by the honking of the bus horn, you had to go. You looked at the bus and then back at him. You shook your head. "I'll see you in school." You parted ways.


In the end, your team didn't make it to the end, but your previous upperclassmen were all still proud of you for making it so far. Graduation came far too soon. It was bittersweet, you looked forward to your last year of high school, but you also faced with the fact that it was all coming to an end.

You stood in the gym after graduation, looking at the bare floor, feeling conflicted. The door slid open and you flinched as your name was called.

"Noya-senpai?" You said, startled. "Congratulations." You said it warmly. You were going to say more but thought better.

"Thank you." he responded with a toothy grin."

"What are you going to do now?" You asked, expectantly. You fidgeted with your hands.

He looked optimistic. "I am going to travel."


"Anywhere, everywhere, whatever's in between." He sounded so happy.

"Oh." You replied, dismayed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

You blushed. "Nothing, I will miss you." You walked past him, trying not to cry. Before you could walk over the threshold of the gym, he grabbed your shoulder and spun you around, crushing his lips on yours.

You froze for a moment, confirming it wasn't a dream before melting completely. Your hand tugged him closer by the front of his shirt and his diploma dropped on the ground. Once it was over, your hands slid around his shoulders but didn't let go. You looked in his eyes, tears in yours.

"Come with me." He said quietly, resting his forehead on yours.


"You can come with me, we can go together." He closed his eyes peacefully, running his hands through your hair.

You gasped. "Noya-senpai, I still have another year!" You lamented.

"When you graduate." He clarified. "I will come get you." His warm eyes were sincere and your heart was beating a mile per minute.

You smiled at him. "Yes." You agreed, sealing the promise with a kiss. "I will follow you anywhere." 

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