terushima yuuji•reader (smut)

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Or Don't

You heard the doorbell chime and jumped. Giving your reflection one last nod of approval, you slid down the staircase. The doorbell chirped out once more impatiently. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming~!" You sang aloud to yourself.

"Hello!" You grinned, jerking the door open.

"You ready?" the blond caller asked, leaning against the doorframe nonchalantly.


It was the third day that Terushima Yuuji had come calling. Since the first day, he had broken no other possessions of yours. As much as it deeply saddened you that your flowerpot was broken, you were almost glad it had shattered. Otherwise you would have never know the volleyball captain matching your stride. It was like fate had knocked over that flowerpot. Maybe it was your grandmother's ghost trying to be the best wing woman from beyond the grave.

Today you two had a date to go pick out new flowers. The two of you joked and busied yourself with trivial conversation as you made your way to the gardening shop. A woman who looked withered and brittle trembled as she spritzed some sprouting plants with a spray bottle of water. She kept the sun off her brow with a wide brimmed straw hat and kept herself clean with a tidy apron.

"Oba-San!" The volleyball player greeted, raising a hand up. The old woman had sharp ears and whipped her head around. Mirroring the teenager's enthusiasm, she cried "Terushima-chan!"

Her wrinkled eyes glittered with energy and mischief under the shade of her hat. She was well older that the two of you put together, but she was spry and cunning. There was something still childlike about that old woman in the flower shop. The two began chatting eagerly. You took this opportunity to look around at the plants for sale at your leisure.

You couldn't make up your mind whether to pick an already grown plant or a package of seeds. What flower? What color? More time passed than you realized and soon the scary-looking boy was beside you once again. "You should pick this one." He advised, pointing to a horseshoe geranium plant.

"No way."

"Why not?!" He asked, offense noted in his higher pitch."It reminds me of you."

"Because it's stupid."

"Flowers are stupid? I thought you liked flowers!"

"No, that flower means 'stupid'." You explained cooly.

"Oh." He paused. "I'm sorry."

"Let's get the lemon-scented geraniums instead." You suggested, already having made up your mind. "It reminds me of you."

"What does that one mean?"

"Unexpected meeting."

Terushima carried those flowers on the way back like he was carrying his infant child into the outside world for the first time. He was very careful. When you were looking at him, your cheeks became sore from smiling so much.

 When you were looking at him, your cheeks became sore from smiling so much

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