kuroo tetsuroo•reader (fluff)

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Table for Two

For the most part, the waiter left you alone, but as an hour turned into two, he offered to take your
drink order. It was a fancy restaurant that people don't go to alone. The type of place that served on quality china with waiters in formal attire. Multiple forks and crystal wine glasses brimming with chilled Perrier decorated the linen-garbed tables.

Internally, your brain was a mess, a flurry of hurt and betrayal welled inside. It didn't help that the other patrons were glancing over at you and giving pitiful stares. "No, I'm still waiting for my date. Sorry, he's running a bit late."

The waiter hesitantly nodded, "I will come back as soon as he arrives."

In one of the best seats, a beautiful view of the street outside. You distracted yourself by people watching. At least that was the lie you told yourself, you were actually scouring the crowds for your date. In fact, you didn't pay any attention to the other people. To make yourself look busy, you fiddled with your phone. Sending him a few texts of anger and worry. Checking your social media, you get a notification that he has updated. Hungrily, you click on the banner. It was a picture of your boyfriend of nearly five months, and he was with someone else. A picture of him, not on his way to his date, but at a trashy club, partying with some trashy girls.

It was all you could do to not burst into tears, or flip the table, or run to the bathroom and be sick. On the verge of a rampage, you slip your cell phone into your crossbody purse and ungracefully stand up. With the little composure you had, you turned to leave. Causing even more embarrassment, your feet, unaccustomed to the heels you had forced yourself to wear, twisted painfully and you were falling. Expecting the floor and shame, you closed your eyes.

And then you were floating. "Woah! Are you okay?" An unfamiliar voice asks. "Just go with it." The man's voice whispers into your ear. "I'm sorry I'm late, please don't leave." He pulls you upright and finally you open your eyes to a nest of artfully messy black hair and an aggressively handsome face. He convinced you to sit down and he tucked your chair in. Sitting himself across from you, he pulled open his menu and introduced himself. "Kuroo Tetsurou, I don't know who you've been waiting for for such a long time, but he's a real jerk."

The waiter returned soon after the man's arrival with a customer-friendly grin plastered on his face. "May I take your drink order?"

"Ah, I see, so this Oikawa person is a playboy?" Kuroo tactlessly said

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"Ah, I see, so this Oikawa person is a playboy?" Kuroo tactlessly said. Causing a twich in your heart, more rage and sorrow.

"Yeah." You sighed, dabbing the corner of your lips with the cloth napkin. "Thank you." You said slowly, meaningfully. "It was nice of you to do this for a stanger."

"Well it would have been a shame if a pretty girl like you had gotten all dolled up for nothing." He grinned with the air of a mischievous cat.

While you insisted on paying separately for your meals, he ignored you and took the check for himself. He made some sort of excuse about him being the 'man' or some equally ludicrous nonsense. He was determined to fully carry out his role as your boyfriend this evening; despite you two being but mere strangers.

As any good gentleman on a date would, he opened the door for you on the way out and led you outside. "I had a lot of fun, and it was really nice." You let out a chuckle. Thinking back to the newly established contact in your phone, you spoke. "Maybe I'll see you around, Kuroo-san."

And then you thought about the recently deleted contact in your cellphone and the breakup which was surely inevitable. And it made you sad and angry all over again. The bittersweet relationship with you and Oikawa was on it's last leg as it was, and that had been the last straw. You had forgiven enough, and no matter how much he pleads this time, there was no redemption.

He stopped you before you crossed the street by calling out. "Hey, um.., do you want to go out again sometime?"

Your eyes, which had brimmed with tears, widened and you spun around to look at him. And you smiled widely, closing your eyes and tears of pain and joy trailed down your cheeks. "Yeah, I would like that a lot."

blegh, i can't help but feel this was a really forced and discombobulated chapter. i really wanted to write this one though. even if i don't really like this oneshot, i really wanted to write this theme with this volleyball dork. anyway, happy thanksgiving.(by the way, i really wanted to put this picture in here, so that is where the banner came from)

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