oikawa tooru•reader (lime and angst)

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Casual Contact

"What do you think of when you are with other people?" You ran your fingers through the setter's brown waves. He was only in his boxers, and you, as well, were only wearing undergarments as well. One would assume in this situation that you two were about to do something rather risqué.

However, Oikawa sighed lazily into his arms folded over your abdomen and his chin. He could have fallen asleep right there on the bed, but he peeked one of his eyes open a sliver to glance up at your facial expression. "What do you mean?" He inquired.

"When you aren't with me, when you do things with other people." You ask softly, calmly. You trace your fingertips along his scalp in slow massaging circles. "When you hold hands, go out on dates, when you kiss them?"

He pauses for a moment. The young man considered the possibility that you were planning on breaking off this little fling. Oikawa knew that you had fully consented to being a 'friend with benefits'. Along the way you had turned into less of a friend and more of a benefit. His heart rate pounced, he knew you liked him, but because you had agreed to be content with your casual status he had never thought too seriously about your opinions or feelings.

"Well..." He trailed off, now fully awake. It was as if his senses had heightened and even the gentle manner you traced his hairline sent jerky waves of electricity into his nerves. "I think of you." He attempted to placate you with his silver tongue. You didn't buy it. Even Oikawa inwardly cringed at his own sub par sweet talking. It wouldn't work on you.

"It's fine." You drew your fingers away, and Oikawa unintentionally let out a noise in protest. He hadn't realized how much he enjoyed the efleurage. A ghost of a smile played on your lips. Moving your hand down, you applied pressure to his overworked muscles and rubbed the tension away.

Not being one to just stand idly by, Oikawa lifted his head and unfolded one of his arms from overtop of your torso and ran his hand along your side, lingering at the hip before dragging his callused pads back up to your collarbone.

As a response, you pushed your fingers deeper into the toned muscle of his back, causing him to groan in splendor. Your smile grew just a bit. Continuing the motions, now utilizing the arm you had used to prop your head up to rub circles into his shoulders and upper back.

The setter took this opportunity to support himself on the bed, hands creating deep craters in the mattress on either side of your collarbone. He pushed himself above you and his face was now even with yours. However, you still proceeded to coax the knots from his back.

Your slightly upturned lip had become less of a smile and more of a smirk. He grinned back at you and pecked a kiss dangerously close to the corner of your mouth. He craned his neck downward and attacked the soft skin of your clavicle. Kissing, licking, sucking, and then nibbling at your skin.

A sigh escaped your parted lips and you weaved your fingers through his chestnut locks. "T-tooru.." You gasped, you didn't want him to stop. He hummed into your skin in question. Never breaking contact.  "We talked about this," You trued to say it firmly, "You really shouldn't leave marks on me." Try as you might, your pronunciation was like a ragged string of desperate moans.

He licked the crook of your neck gingerly before moving back to survey his workmanship. He blew air onto the dampened area of your neck, cooling the violet blossoms blooming on your neck.

You raised your hand weakly, pushing him off of you and trembled. "Tooru." He was enjoying this too much. He reveled in your complicated facial expressions and the beautiful sighs that flew from your parted lips.

"Tooru..." He loved it, the way you called his name so plainly and familiarly. When you were in school you called him 'Oikawa-san'.

"Tooru." You pleaded. "Tooru." Your voice was stronger, and more demanding.  "Oikawa!" He paused for a moment, and you took the opportunity to push him so he was sitting upright.

You now had his undivided attention, he knew this was more than you simply wishing for a role-reversal. This was a serious matter. Any and all erotic thoughts and attractions the two of you previously had together were now left unattended.

"I can't do this anymore." The whole world stopped. Oikawa stopped breathing, eyes wide, staring vacantly at your bare figure. His ears rung with electric static.

It was like playing with fire, being with you. He got drunk so easily on the excitement and the thrill. He was high on the danger. He knew one day, eventually, he would get burned, but even when he did, he couldn't even react.

You held no trace of hurt or remorse on your face. For the first time, he did. In the entirety of the two years you had had this relationship, this was the only time where your decisions or opinions mattered. For Oikawa, it was the first time he was visibly affected by your words.

He had stopped breathing and his face was changing colors. You rapped his shoulder to remind him he needed to breathe.

Sure, he didn't have any intention in dating you properly in the first place. His mind flashed to all of the moments you had spent hanging out, kissing, eating at fast food restaurants, watching volleyball on television. All of these casual moments he would miss. He had risked it all, your previous friendship was the price for your sexual relationship. And it was finally hitting him that once you left his room, he wouldn't have any relations to you.

There was no need for you to come back to him. There was no label for you. There was no way for him to keep you near him. He couldn't tether you with a bond. As he watched you, looking so passively at him, straight at him. Covered in blooming kiss marks of his own doing. He couldn't imagine anybody else seeing you this way.

Sitting yourself up, you ran a hand through your own disheveled hair. You looked so beautiful. Now that it was over, now that he couldn't have you, you looked even more beautiful.

He didn't know he loved you until you were gone.

i am not very good at angst. this chapter took longer than i anticipated, but i needed to get this one out of the way before i started a new oneshot.
anyway, don't forget to vote and comment your requests!

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