Not knowing

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I walk into school on Monday and I get an applaud for a reason I don't know. I give a nervous smile. "What the hell is going on?" I mumble to johnny

"You are" he answers "you have got it going on. After that party, everyone loved you a thousand times more."

"What did I do at the party?" I ask

He laughs "if I told you, you would kill me...and maybe yourself"

Tracey laughs as she puts a hand on my arm "oh man" she gasps out "you officially have a reputation, I'll tell you that much"

I glance between them "I don't remember doing anything bad"

"It wasn't bad" she says "it was naughty" she rolls her eyes "but you did something with every girl but me"


She makes a face as if she's confused "I know right. I was like who wouldn't want to get naughy with me?"

I shake my head and push her to the side "hey!" She protests

"Tell me what happened"

He points down the hall "she can tell you part of it"


He nods

I make my way over to her. She wears jeans, a white tank top, and pink sandals. Her brown hair is down and perfectly messy once again.

"Hey" I say

She doesn't turn to me "hi" she says flatly without smiling this time.

"What's wrong?"

"You were drunk Friday night" she says "really drunk. You came home and you were in your yard puking and stumbling around. My mom told me everything you were doing. My mom and I came out because we wanted to know why someone was yelling outside. And there you were."

Oh yeah. She lives next to me.

"I'm sorry" I sigh "I don't know what had gotten into me"

She shrugs and turns to face me "its okay." She stares at my chest, her eyes focused. "It was just kind of scary hearing you puke and stumble around...and not being able to see you" she blushes "I couldn't help you"

"I probably wouldn't have remembered it anyway" I joke

She laughs "Ace?"


Her eyebrows knit together in consentration. "I can't tell if you like me or not"

"What do you mean?"

"I was at a party one time, two years ago" she says "these guys had invited me and I thought that they liked me. I couldn't see their faces when they would talk to me, so I didn't know if they were laughing at me or with me. I was stupid and thought that they liked me." She doesn't show any expression "they raped me in the basement of their house" my stomach drops "my family tried to press charges and get them sent to prison but they couldn't because I didn't know who it was. They told me fake names and everything. I don't even know if they are walking past me right now." She still stares at my chest "that's why I have been working on feeling how people look." She tells me "I just wanted to know if you really like me"

"God, I'm so sorry, Sammy" I take her hands and put them around my waist and I wrap her into a hug, folding her into my body. "Im sorry" I repeat. "Why did you tell me that? You don't know me."

"I don't have anyone to talk to. Ever. You came up to me to help me with my books when no one else would have even known I was there. It needs to get off my chest sometimes and I feel like I could tell you."

Falling for the Blind girl (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now