"I'm going out with ace" I tell my mom and dad
"Oh good" mom replies "you two really need to figure something out together if you aren't going to date because he can't just leave you with the baby"
"Mom, we are going to figure it out!" I say, playing with the hair ties on my wrist.
"Okay, okay" I feel her hands on my arms "you look beautiful"
"I'm fat"
She laughs "if you think that this is as how big your gong to get then you are wrong."
"Oh thanks!"
My mom had dressed me in skinny jeans, cowgirl boots, and a great sweater with the right shoulder hanging down halfway down my forearm. The necklace Blake gave my sets on my neck and I wear diamond earrings.
I wear light makeup with lip gloss. My hair is pulled up on top of my head and some loose, curly stands hang in random places.
"Besides, you aren't big anyway, you just feel big. Seriously, you can see the bump but its not unattractive...yet"
My head falls back and I groan
The doorbell chimes and I quickly go to the door.
"You look very pretty, Sam" he says from in front of me
"Thank you"
His hand takes mine "Bye, Kathy" he says to my mom before leading me out onto the porch
"Be careful!" My mom calls from behind us
Ace helps me into the truck and then closes the door for me.
The ride to taco bell from my house isn't far at all. Its probably five minutes from my house. So I was lucky that we didn't have much time to talk about anything because I was feeling claustrophobic with the thick air and closed space.
"I want you back, Sammy" he states as soon as we get settled with our food.
I sigh "great timing, ace" I say and then take a sip of my soda "as soon as another guy wants me you choose to step in"
"That's not why"
"Yes it is. Your just jealous that someone else wants me, that I'm happy"
"Baby" he says with a smile in his voice "I'm not jealous of anyone"
"Baby" I mimic "I'm with Blake now"
"Oh forget him. Its me and you remember?"
"Not anymore, ace" I tell him "that's over" I sigh "we aren't here discuss me being pregnant remember? Not us"
I play with my fingers on top of the table. "I know that you don't want the baby but I can't do it without you. I-"
"I never said I don't want the baby" he interrupts
"You sure don't act like you do though"
His fingers softly touch mine. He turns my hand over so that my palm is up. His fingers trace over mine.
"I don't want or not want the baby, Sam. It is what it is. I'm just scared, you know? I'm scared about being a father, I'm scared about how I'm going to provide, I'm scared that I might not be good enough for you or the baby, i-"
"Ace" I stop him "everything is going to be alright. You are going to be alright"
"I don't know. You must be scared too and I'm sorry all of this is happening"
Putting my face in my hands, I sigh "I'm not very scared but I realized something the other night" I drop my hands "I'm never going to be able to see my kid. I'm never going to be able to actually see my baby"
"Sammy...I'm so sorry"
I shrug "it is what it is, I guess. It sucks but it doesn't matter"
"It does matter and I'm sorry"
"I just want you to be here, ace" I say "I want you to go to the doctors appointments with me, I want you to help me when I have morning sickness, I want you to take care of me when I have cramps. I need you to be there when they tell me if its a boy or girl and when I deliver the baby"
"I'm gunna be there, I promise, Sammy" he says, taking my hands "its all gunna change"
"Good" I smile "but we have boundaries okay?"
He laughs "like what?"
"Like you can't be all touchy feely and you can't kiss me either. And you have to respect Blake"
"I can't kiss or touch you?"
I laugh "no! We aren't together anymore and that wouldn't look good from Blake's point of view"
"How about when he's not around?"
I drop his hand but can't help the smile that is on my face "no!"
He laughs "alright alright"
"I don't have any more tacos left" I complain "I need more"
"You had like five"
With my mouth full of my lest bite of my last taco, I say "I'm pregnant"
He busts out laughing "I'll get you more"
"Thank you"

Falling for the Blind girl (book 1)