take it easy

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She broke up with me? How could she do this to me? To us? Doesn't she know that I love her? Have I not said that enough? Have I not showed that enough? What did I do wrong? Does she not love me anymore?

More importantly, who was that guy she was with? He had her laughing and smiling. He held her hand as if they liked each other or were together or something. Which pisses me off obviously.

I couldn't hold back when I saw him pull her against his chest when she almost slipped on the water. I made a huge scene and went off on everyone around me.

I can't even think about the fact that she is pregnant. What am I supposed to do with a baby? How am I supposed to provide for a kid? I'm only seventeen. This wasn't supposed to happen. I should be having fun and going out, partying and hooking up with girls. Not having a girlfriend who is pregnant.

How can she stand being pregnant? How is she dealing with that shit?

She walks down the hall with that guy again. Her sweatshirt hugs her stomach. Part of me can't stand seeing it but another part of me just wants to walk up and hold her and tell her that everything is going to be alright.

I want to call out to her but I know I can't do that either.

We won't ever be the same after this. I just know it.

I watch as the guy takes Sammy's books out for her and close her locker back for her. He carries them for her as if they are together, as if they might like each other.

Tracey puts a hand on my arm "its going to be alright" she tells me

I scuff "are you not seeing what I'm seeing? He practically has her eating out of his hand."

"Your just paranoid" she says "this will all blow over like it always does and you two will be together again like usual."

I shake my head "I don't know about that this time. This isn't just an argument anymore. This is more than that."

She sighs "you act like you showed her how much you loved her all the time" she says "you didn't do that, ace. Half the time you guys were together you were apart because you did something stupid. She gave you everything, that was very clear and you didn't give her much."

"That's a lie"

"How many times did you take her on a date the four months you were together?"

"Once" I admit, my head hanging

"Mmhmm" she says "and did you ever get her anything the four months you were together?"

"None" I admit as well

"Exactly. So don't tell me you gave her your all" she says "you had this coming and you know it just as well as I do"

Taking my arm from her grasp, I say "you aren't making anything easier"

"I'm just trying to make things clear to you"

"Well its stupid"

I watch Sammy as she walks away with the guy and my heart breaks a little bit more

Falling for the Blind girl (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now