She hasn't talked to me all weekend. I haven't got any calls or surprise visits to my house anymore. She has her curtains pulled closed to her window in her room now, as if she knows I'll try to get in that way.
I begin to get frantic, to space out, or have anxiety over it.
I can't sleep or eat. I haven't done any home work. Its like all I know now is my bed and my thoughts. It scares the hell out of me. I have no idea if she is crying at night or needs someone to go somewhere. I can't be there to keep her company when she is lonely. I can't stand it.
I can't stand not being around her or even seeing her.
I haven't seen her at her locker at all the past week at school. I had it in my head that she was sick or something but when Tracey told me that she was in third period with her, I was convinced that she is trying to ignore me.
Every time I think I can catch her after class, I never can. She can't see but its like she knows exactly where I am and that's how she can stay away from me.
As soon as I get home that Friday I immediately go to her house.
I knock on the door, bouncing around nervously. I knock again, impatiently.
Kathy opens the door for me. I make sure to look over her shoulder, making sure Sammy isn't there.
"Hey, ace" Kathy greats me
To know that she is in her room so close to me and I can't get to her makes me frantic.
"Hi, Mrs. Key" I say as calmly as possible
"You look awful" she says, giving me a once over "are you okay?"
I ignore her question "is Sammy home?" I don't wait for an answer "can I speak to her? Is she okay?"
She smiles sadly and looks back over her shoulder "Sammy is in her room right now"
"So I can talk to her?"
She gives me a sympathetic smile "I'm sorry, ace, but I don't think she wants to talk to you right now"
I put my hands on top of my head and take my hair in my fists "is she okay?"
"She is just upset I believe" she tells me "but other than that she is okay"
"Tell her I stopped by and that I really need to talk to her" I say
"I will" she closes the door
I spin on my heel and kick the sidewalk "fuck!" I groan and rub my hands over my face.
"Honey, you need to eat" my mom says as I walk through the living room where she and my father sit.
"I cant, ma" I say with a tone
"I told you he had feelings for that Sammy girl" my dad says, taking a drink of his beer. "I don't blame you, boy"
I glare at him
"Not eating and not sleeping is not going to solve anything, ace" my mom says "you need to talk to her"
"You don't think I have?!" I ask "I have done everything! She doesn't even want to see me, mom" I say "she won't go to her locker anymore because she knows I'll be there."
She gives me a soft smile "You have never acted like this before when girls get angry with you."
"That's because I don't feel like I do about the other girls!"
"And how do you feel about Sammy?"
"I love her, ma!" I finally say and let out a sigh of relief. "She is my best friend! I can't stand not being able to see her or touch her!"
"Ha!" My dad pints at me with his beer can "I knew it. My boy is in love." He nods "how proud I am"
"Oh shut up" I groan "I have a girlfriend. I dont love her like that, I just said that. She is my best friend, I love her as my best friend."
"Uhm" my dad's eyes flicker towards my mom "uhm hmm"
She swats his arm "stop! Leave the boy alone!"
I roll my eyes "I'm going to my room."
"Why haven't you been talking to Sammy anymore?"Tracey asks me " I thought you guys were friends"
I squeeze her hand with my own as we walk down the hall of school. "She won't talk to me"
"Why not?"
I shrug "I don't know" I lie
There is nothing worse than knowing that she is somewhere close in this building and I just don't know where.
Tracey kisses my cheek "its okay" she says "she'll come around"
I hope so baby I think to myself.
"Ace! Ace, baby!" Johnny says, dancing up to my desk. "How's it hangin!"
I laugh at him "get outta here" I say
"Never" he smiles and sits down in the desk in front of me. "I'm here to stay, my dude"
I shake my head
Tracey shoves him with her hand "shit the fuck up, johnny."
He rubs his arm "why you always gotta be hittin me, girl?!"
"Because your a dick!" She says back
"That doesn't mean you have to hit me!"
I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest. My knee bounces up and down uncontrollably in concentration on my thoughts.
Why is she carrying this on so long? Why won't she just talk to me so we can get over it? Why is she harping on this so much?
I put my elbow in my desk and put my chin on my desk.
"Ace" someone says "ace!"
I jerk awake and look up to see the tea her looking at me. "Yeah?" I ask
"Sleeping in class are we?"
I glance around at all the staring faces "is that what I was doing?"
Snickers fill the classroom and the teacher hushes them.
"Detention" she says "tomorrow"
"Damnit" I mumble
"What?" She lifts a hand to her ear "did you just ask for a second detention?"
"No!" I say and glare at her
"Good" she goes back to teaching
Tracey and johnny give me a confused look

Falling for the Blind girl (book 1)