partying with a blind girl

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"I'm picking Sammy up" I tell my mom

"I thought Sammy was your girlfriend and Tracey was just your friend" she says

"No, ma, you have it flipped"

"Ohhh" she says, nodding "I can't keep up with it these days with you and all the girls running in and out of this house" she waves a hand and walks back to her room.

I leave the house and walk over to sammy's.

Kathy opens the door and says "hey, ace!" She ushers me in "I wanted to let you know that Sam doesn't do the partying thing anymore because of what happened and I wanted to make sure that you won't leave her alone."

"Of course not, kathy" I reply "I'll be with her every step she takes."

She pats my shoulder "your a good boy. I'm so glad she has a boyfriend as good as you"

"Mom!" Sammy yells as she comes down the stairs "he's not my boyfriend! We discussed this already!"

"Okay okay" Kathy says "I forget sometimes"

"Well don't!"


Sammy wears a tight mini black dress that hugs her in all the right places. Her hair is straight this time, her bangs swoop over her right eye, tucked behind her ear. She has on light makeup. Just a little eye liner and mascara with lip gloss. Her black high heels strap around her ankles. Her eyes are big.

"Ace" she says, holding out her hand

I step towards her and take her hand "I'm here" she smiles and steps close to me.

"Let's go" she says

"Bye, Kathy" I say as Sammy says "bye, mom"

We go over to my truck and she touches it softly. "What kind of truck is it?" She asks

"Black escalade" I answer

"Wow, aren't those really expensive?"

"Yeah" I tell her "do you need me to help you get in?"


"Hold onto me"

She outs her arms around my neck and I lift her up by her waist, setting her on the seat. "Swing your legs in" she does as I say and I shut the door.

"You okay?" I ask her as I get into the drivers seat and start the truck.

She nods "yeah" she reaches for her seat belt and pulls it over her, feeling around for the buckle. She successfully gets it in.

I drive off dow n the road and say "only a few more blocks."

"Don't leave me, ace" she says

"I promise you I won't"

I help her out of the truck and take her hand in mine, leading her to the house.

"Are people staring?" She asks

"Yes" I answer and pull her into the house

"Ace!" "My man!" "Aye my boy!" "Party is here!" People yell out to me. I wave a hand and take a bow

"People love you" Sam says

I don't respond to that but only say "you want a drink?"

"Are you going to drug it?"

I laugh "I'm better than that. Don't you trust me?"

"Yes" she says and takes the red cup from me "what is it?"

Falling for the Blind girl (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now