"What if I got...Sammy...preg-pregnant?"
My dad doesn't give much clue as to how he feels about it yet. He just stares at the ground, his head moving from side to side as if he is having a conversation in his head.
I honestly didn't want to go to my father about this because I knew that he would go into his own sex life stories. But I sure as hell couldn't go to my mom, she would freak and demand for a pregnancy test.
"Son" he begins and takes a sip of his beer before finishing. "I was exactly your age when I found out that your mother was pregnant" he says "I was in your exact shoes. I couldn't go to my mom so my dad was who I needed" I can agree with that. So I sat down and had this exact conversation with my dad"
"I won't be mad at you" he says "I won't treat you any different than I do now. But I will be disappointed in you because I know that you are smarter than that."
My father being disappointed in me is probably the worst thing that could ever happen to me.
"Its a lot of pressure you have on you. All these nerves jumbled up inside you, waiting for you to absolutely birst out of control" he says "I understand. But if Sammy is pregnant, you will stay there for that baby. There is no exceptions. Even if that means that you only see him on the weekends, I don't care, you will be in that child's life"
"I was going crazy when I knew I was going to be a father. I had it in my my head that I didn't have a choice but to marry her." He says "but I didn't marry her because I knew that marrying her wouldn't be the answer. So we hung out, got to know each other even more. We made memories and had all kinds of fun all the time. Eventually I began to date her and we fell in love." He smiles "man we fell for each other hard. By the time she had the kid we were together and happy. After about three months I asked her to marry me."
"My point being that you don't have to marry this girl because she may be pregnant, that may only destroy everything. If you ever marry that girl then you make sire that you marry her because you ain't ever had feeling for someone like you do for her."
"I love her so much, dad" I sigh "but I didn't want our first time to be like it was. I wanted it to be special"
"Well you sure as hell can't go back and change it now can ya?"
I shake my head "nope"
"Exactly, so move on from that. Don't keep harping on that issue, focus on the future, focus on what is now important. And that is that girl in the next house over."
I nod
He takes a long drink of his beer "shit, I'm drunk as hell and you have me talkin about all this bullshit." He laughs "I'm too drunk for this"
He holds up a beer to me "you want one?"
I nod and he tosses it to me. I catch it and pop it open. "Yeah, that's exactly what I needed"
He chuckles "I know what that feels like" he closes his eyes "but with me right now, I stay drunk all the time so that I don't even know I have a problem or issue."
I sink back into the couch and stay sipping on the beer.
"I love her, dad" I find myself says "God I love her" I shake my head, in awe at myself "I can't live without her. You have no idea how much I love her and need her."
"She's like a drug I can't quit" I tell him or myself "she's like a high I can't come down from"
He stares at me and gives me a fatherly smile "tell me about her"
My eyes light up and I begin to go into stories about Sammy. About her personality, her looks. I tell him stories about us. Stories of our bad times and our good times. I found that I love talking about Sammy just like I love thinking about her.
I can't think of a time that I have had an actually sit down, lengthy conversation with my dad that he actually enjoyed. I like it. It makes me feel good when he laughs at my jokes or my witty comments. He nods his head and asks questions, telling me that he actually is listening for once. He isn't nods and rolling his eyes, letting me know that he has no interest in what I have to say.
This gives me the feeling that I can talk to him about anything, that I can tell him anything and know that he won't yell at me and argue like mom would. He will just listen and tell you his best advice on the situation.
"How do I even talk to her about it?" I eventually ask him after a good hour or so of us talking "she won't listen, its like all of it is one big joke to her"
"That doesn't sound like her" he comments
"I know"
"I say that whenever you are ready, and whenever you feel is the best time, then you ask her if she is pregnant." He tells me "ask her to take a pregnancy test, as to see the test when she is done. Take her to docter for fucks sake. But don't come off mean, a girl never likes a mean guy when it comes to something like this."
"Isn't it odd to just ask her for a teat like that?"
He shakes his head "if she truly understands what could come out of not using protection then she will happily take the test" he shrugs "if she doesn't then maybe she isn't the girl for you"

Falling for the Blind girl (book 1)