just breath

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"We have decided that ace is going to stay here with you for a while until you get better" my mom says "he will stay in the guest bedroom."


Ace touches my arm as if asking why I would even think about asking why instead of just being happy with it.

"We think he is good for you. We know that its hard talking to your parents as a seventeen year old girl. Some things you just can't tell your parents but you can tell your friends. I think this will really help you."

I shrug "fine by me"

Taking his hand, I pull him upstairs with me.

"I already put my stuff in the guest bedroom" he tells me

"I figured"

I suddenly feel a pain in my stomach and double over on the stairs, clutching my stomach with my hand.

"Ow" I groan

Ace puts a hand on my back "what's wrong?" Concern fills his voice.

"Nothing" I shake my head "I just don't feel well"

I take a breath and finish climbing up the steps.

We go to my room and close the door.

"What's up?" He asks, knowing that there is something on my mind.

I feel in front of me and then sit on my  bed when I find it. "I just wanted to ask you something"

"Anything" I hear the bed sink in from in front of me

"Um" I keep my head down "what if I was pregnant?" My voice is nervous and shaky

He stays silent for what seems like forever. "Is that why your stomach is hurting? Are you pregnant?"

My eyes go wide "no! I was just wondering what you would do"

He sigh and I can picture him running his fingers through his hair "well I'm not quite sure how I would react to be honest" he says "but I wouldn't leave you with the baby if that's what you mean. I would be there for the baby just like I'm here for you all the time."

I hope I'm not pregnant

"Okay" I reply "I was just wondering" I give an awkward laugh and immediately regret laughing in the first place due to how stupid I sound.

He lays down next to me and I cuddle up to his body.

"Everything will be alright in the end, Sammy" he whispers "I promise"


"Mom" I say as I go downstairs, knowing that ace is asleep. I hold out my phone to her "will you pull up Tracey's contact and call her"

She takes the phone from me and I feel her slip it into my hand. I put the phone to my ear and hear the ringing.

"Hey, sam" Tracey says through the phone

"Hey" I reply "I need a favor"


I bite on my nail "will you come pick me up and take me somewhere. I wouldn't ask you for something like this if it wasn't completely important"


"Um...now? If you can"

She laughs "I'll be there in a few minutes."

Falling for the Blind girl (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now