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You and Todoroki have an adopted daughter, and one day she asks you both 'The Question'

If you Don't like kids, then this One-shot is not for you.


Modern Au

You and Todoroki were at that part of life when you two decided you wanted to make a bigger family.

You guys tired but the tests always came up negative. Nothing was wrong with you, and nothing was wrong with him, it just didn't happen.

You were both sitting in the bathroom, waiting for the pregnancy test results. Your husband looked down at you, who was sitting on the toilet seat, he gave you a reassuring smile.

You gave him a sad smile and then looked at your watch, seeing that the test should be done by now. You grabbed the little stick that holds the answer to your future. You take a deep breath and look at the little screen.

"What does it say?" Todoroki asked anxiously.

You looked at him and you shook your head and threw the stick away.

"There's always next time." Todoroki says trying to stay positive.

"I'm sorry." That was all you said. Todoroki wrapped his arms around you. "It's not your fault." He says.

"Then why can't we make a baby?"

"Well, sometimes people try so hard not to get pregnant, and when you actually want to get pregnant, it's difficult."

"That makes me feel worse." You say.

"Alright, I'll stop talking."

"Do you think we're too young?"

"It has nothing to do with that. Maybe we should just wait a little while until we try again." He says.


You knew Todoroki wanted more than anything in the world was to be a father. He would always talk about taking them to the park, watching movies, being the best dad of all time. And you felt guilty for not providing him a child. But he was very understanding and he didn't want you to blame yourself.

You went back to the Fertility clinic to see why you couldn't get pregnant. Once again, there was nothing wrong with you medically or genetically, it was because your body just wasn't ready.

You took the news pretty okay, it could've been a lot worse. And you both decided to wait a while until trying again.

A week or so went by and Todoroki came home from work, he saw you on the couch reading fanfiction and he approached you.

"(Y/n), I have a question." He says.

"I didn't eat the last of the doughnuts." You say accusing yourself.

"It's not that, I've been doing a lot of thinking and what do you think about the idea of adopting?" He asked.

"It crossed my mind once or twice."

"Well, I was online and there's this little girl in South Korea, she's a few weeks old and...well, I wanted to hear from you before I made the decision." Todoroki asked.

"Do you have a picture?" You asked.

Todoroki pulls up a picture of the baby on his phone. "Aw, she's so beautiful." You cooed.

"So, do you want to do this?" He asked.

You gave a nod.

After agreeing, Todoroki called the adoption agency and you both got ready to fly to Seoul to meet your baby.

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