Cancer's a Bitch Pt. 1

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The Reader is Diagnosed with Leukemia, and Todoroki does everything in his power to keep them positive and by their side.

This will be a little bit of an Ochaco x reader also, It'll be explained later on as you read on.

Bit of a Trigger Warning


"For tonight's homework, Review Chapter 4, that'll be all." Aizawa says while dismissing the class for the day.

Everyone started to pack up and leave the classroom.

"Do you want to go somewhere to get something to eat, (y/n)?" Todoroki asked you as you left the class together.

"Um, sure. That sounds nice." You say while packing up your things.

You and Todoroki went to a small restaurant on the corner of the shopping district. "Order anything you want, I'm buying." Todoroki said in his usual calm voice.

"I think I'll just have some soup." You say.

"Are you sure, you usually order more than that." Todoroki says.

"I don't really feel like eating."

Todoroki arched his brow. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." You reassure.

Todoroki got his Soba and you got your soup. As Todoroki was eating his Soba, he noticed that you were taking your time eating your soup, you were taking one or two sips minutes at a time.

"Is the soup not good?" Todoroki asked.

"No, it's good. I'm just savoring it." You say while taking another spoonful.

"(y/n), you know you can tell me if something's wrong, right?"

"I guess I'm just tired, it's been a long day at school." You say.

"I'm gonna make our food to-go, and we can go hang out at the dorms." Todoroki says.


"I'm sorry I bummed our lunch date." You say.

"It's okay (y/n), if you weren't feeling well I would've understood." Todoroki says reassuringly.

"I'm just really tired." You say softly.

"Are you feeling okay, more than just tired?" Todoroki asked.

You just nod. "I just need my bed." You say.

You arrived back at the dorms and you got dressed in your casual clothes. Todoroki noticed something on your arm, like a mark or a bruise.

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"That bruise on your arm. How did you get that?" Todoroki asked.

You looked at your arm. "I must've run into something, I don't even remember getting it." You sat your arm back down.

Even though Todoroki wanted answers, he saw you weren't in the right mindset to talk, you could barely stay awake.

"She probably just had a long day, Todoroki. Let's let her get some rest." Ochaco says while putting a blanket on you.

Todoroki nods. "Your right. I'm feeling sleepy too, we should get (y/n) to bed."

A few days later, everyone was in class and Aizawa was going on with the lecture. He turned away from the chalkboard and saw you nodding off, but he had a feeling you weren't actually sleeping.

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