Hades!Todoroki x Persephone!Reader

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There are many versions of Hades and Persephone's story, but this is the version I want to tell.

Some scenes was also based from an animated tale that I saw from when I was a kid that I recently rediscovered.


Greek!Au (Of Course)


"(y/n), have you finished with the grains? (y/n), are you listening to me?" Your sister called out to you.

You turned around with a flower in your hand. "Oh, sorry I was distracted." You say.

"What are you holding?" Your sister asked.

"Oh, I just made it. I think I'm gonna call it...A tiger lily." You say.

"(y/n), it's outlandish. It won't fit with the others, and besides what's the point of calling it a tiger lily if it has spots? You shouldn't dawdle, we need the grain to prepare for the harvest."

"Fine." You placed the flower in your Rapunzel-like hair and went to go prepare the grain.

Your older sister Momo(Demeter), was always the type to smother you and monitored everything you do. Being the goddess of harvest, and also sacred law she had a certain order, especially with nature. You were sheltered so you were never allowed to leave the meadow for your safety when she was away preparing the harvest for the mortals or when she resided at her temple near Mt. Olympus.

You were the goddess of vegetation and fertility, but it often went unnoticed with your sister's smothering, you couldn't really express yourself.

You were innocent, but you were smart, especially when it came to right and wrong.

"I must be off for the harvest." Momo says to you once she received the grain she needed.

"Why can't I go with you?" You asked while resting your cheek in your palm.

"You're just a child (y/n), you're not ready for the world. And besides, you're safe here in the meadow. I'll be back soon." With that, transformed into a beautiful white swan, and she leaves.

You lay back and stretched your limbs as you soaked up the sun. "I wish she'd stop smothering me, I can't do anything when she's around." You sighed and closed your eyes and rolled onto your stomach.

"I doubt she needs me anyway, she seems to have everything under control." You opened your eyes and gently brushed your fingers against the soft green grass when you noticed something out of the ordinary.

You crawled closer towards it and leaned down for a better look, you felt a small gust of air gently brush against your face. It was a small opening in the earth. Your curiosity got the best of you and you pried the earth open.

A gust of air hit your face and you were met with darkness. You carefully reached your hand down and felt the cool air once again. Curious, you slipped down into the earth.

Instead of completely falling, your body gently cascaded down what seemed like a void until your feet gently touched the ground.

You took in your surroundings, everything was black and grey and the air was cool, opposite from the hot summer days on earth. After a few more seconds of taking in your surroundings, you realized where you were.

The underworld.

Just as you were turning around, you bumped into something or someone. Your eyes slowly made their way up to the tall dark figure. Grayish pale skin, black and white hair, you can only see his grey eye due to his long bangs covering the other.

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