Addicted Pt. 5

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Once you fell asleep, Shoto was in the waiting room pacing back and forth wondering what his next move was gonna be, when he heard rapid footsteps coming down the hall.

He looked up and saw Deku and Ochaco, Kirishima and Ashido, Bakugou and Camie, Froppy and Tokoyami, Iida and Hatsume. (I ship them, I'm a multi-shipper remember, plus their vibe is cute).

"Todoroki! Are you okay? Momo said you randomly left the office and your sister said you were in the hospital!" Deku said.

"What the fuck is goin' on half and half?" Bakugou says.

"It's (y/n)."

"What happened to them?! Was there another accident?!" Ashido asked.

" an overdose..."

"What?! How did this happen?!" Ochaco asked.

"They've been...taking prescription drugs."

"For how long? When did this even happen?!" Kirishima asked.

"Four months..."

"Four months, and you didn't say anything? Why the fuck didn't you tell us!?" Bakugou yells.

"I didn't know what you'd say, I'd thought you'd turn your back on us."

"Why would we do that? (y/n)'s fam, that's what we're here for." Camie says.

"This is all my fault, I left her alone. I shouldn't have done that, I can't forgive myself." Todoroki covers his face.

Froppy takes a seat next to Todoroki. "Don't blame yourself. What's important that you got to her when you did."

"And this time, you're gonna let us help you." Iida says.

"Your wife comes first, no matter what." Tokoyami says.

"What's gonna happen now?" Ochaco says.

"I'm gonna put her in rehab, It's the only way to get them clean." Shoto says.

"We're gonna check on (y/n), is she awake?" Kirishima asked.

"Last time I've checked, she was sleeping. They might be up now."

"You should rest, you look exhausted." Hatsume says, taking note of the darkness under Shoto's eyes.

"It hasn't been easy, has it?" Ashido asked, already knowing the answer.

"I can't sleep, I need to know that (y/n) is alright." Shoto reassures.

"You have to rest or you'll pass out, dumbass." Bakugou says while crossing his arms.

Eventually, they got Todoroki to take a power nap and went to see you.

"I didn't want you guys to see me like this." You say while looking at the others.

"If we knew what was going on, we would've stopped this, but we're here now." Deku says.

"I want to get help, but I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of?" Ashido says.

"What if I can't do this? What if I go back...What if I can't break from this?" You asked.

"We won't let that happen Sis, Queens stick together no matter what." Camie says.

(Deku's a fuckin' Queen, and you can't tell me otherwise)

"And remember; Don't do this for us, don't do it for Shoto, do it for you. Put yourself first always." Ochaco says.

"And we'll write to you every day you're in there." Froppy says.

"Promise?" You say.

"Hell yeah promise! And once you get out, I'm throwing you a party!" Ashido says.

"Please no."

"Too late! I'm planning it now! You think I pulled off your wedding, just wait!" Ashido says while pulling out her phone.

Out in the waiting room

"I shouldn't have left her alone, she was doing so good...and I screwed it up." Todoroki sighs.

"Listen, if you blame yourself one more time, I will punch you." Bakugou grunts.

"What Bakugou is trying to say is; You had no clue this would happen." Kirishima says.

"Right now, focus on getting them some help while you can." Tokoyami says.

"And if she doesn't go through with it, don't give up on them. She didn't ask for any of this either, life is unfair like that sometimes." Hatsume says.

Shoto leans his head back. "What if I'm not strong enough?"

"You've made it this far, haven't you?" Iida asked.

Shoto nods. "I have."

"And you have us, you fucking dumbass. Starting tonight, we won't let anything else happen to (y/n)."

Shoto sighs. "Thanks guys."

As you stayed overnight in the hospital, Shoto found the best and also expensive rehabilitation center in Japan and made arrangements to go within the next two days.

You were able to go home and spend the rest of the time with your husband. You watched Studio Ghibli movies and ate M&M cookies like you wanted the day of the accident and not once did Shoto mentioned or turn to his work.

The night before, he packed your bags. Your clothes, your favorite body wash/soap, lotion, your favorite stuffie, snacks, favorite books, favorite blanket, the hoodie you usually steal from him, and a tape recorder. ( They still make them, I researched it.)

Things to bring you comfort. He made sure to place a little note on the tape recorder before putting it in your suitcase.


The morning came when it was time for you to go. Shoto gently wakes you out of your slumber and you both start the day.

As you two were in the shower, Shoto gently washed your back and noticed how silent you were.

"My love, do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

You just turned around and tightly wrapped your arms around him and he returns the gesture. "I know, I know." He says softly.

He made you breakfast and eventually got you to eat and you were on your way to rehab. Half of the car ride was silent until Shoto played your favorite music for you to make the ride more comfortable.

"I want you to know I'm so proud of you." He told you.

You looked over towards him and gave him a sad smile. Just hearing his voice gave you this sense of peace.

You pulled up at the center, which was huge and fancy looking. It looked more like a resort than a rehab center. "I'm scared, what if I can't do this?" You finally say.

"You can, I know you can. There's nothing to be afraid of." Shoto says softly. He leans in and gives you a passionate kiss before getting out of the car.

He takes your hand, and suitcase and escorts you inside to the front desk where a nurse was waiting to take you to your room.

"I'll write to you every day, and I'll come to visit."

You nod. "I know you will."

"I love you (y/n)."

"I love you too, Sho."

He cups your face and gives you one last kiss before letting you go.

He watched as you followed the nurse down the hall, then he saw you turn and wave to him.

He gives a sad smile and waves back as you disappeared down the hall.

And this is where the tea starts to get hot 😈🍵

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