Addicted Pt. 4

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Todoroki watched outside of the hospital room window as the doctors began to pump your stomach.

The doctors carefully inserted the tube down your throat and started to remove the contents from your comatose body.

Shoto, on the other side, watched as your body jolted slightly every few seconds as the suction of your stomach continued. He couldn't watch any longer as his back hits the wall.

Shoto turns away and walks down the down, tripping over his own feet as he tried to keep his balance as he held onto the wall for support.

As if on cue, a nurse happened to walk by seeing his distressed state. "Sir, are you alright?" She asked placing a hand on his back.

"I just need some air..." Shoto's voice was shaky and barely audible.

He tried to stand up straight but, his hands were shaking, his chest felt tight, and he felt like he could pass out at any time.

"It's alright, I got you." The nurse says, catching him before he could fall.

"Can't...can't leave her." Shoto swallows. "I can't...leave my wife..."

"I understand. But you have to listen to me, Mr. Todoroki. You're having a panic attack, you have to calm down." The nurse says.

She hoists Shoto up and steadies him on his feet. She was surprisingly strong for her size.

"I'm gonna sit you down okay." She sets him in a nearby chair and made him tuck his head between his legs. "Keep your head between your legs and try to steady your breathing, in through your nose, out through your mouth." She instructs the distressed husband.

Some time passed and Shoto was sitting with a cup of water that the nurse provided him, and Fuyumi pacing back and forth waiting for your results.

"I did this to her." Shoto mumbles to himself.

Seconds later, the doctor came into view. "How is she?" Shoto asked, jumping out of his seat.

"We were able to remove the drugs from her system and she's stable. But, we're gonna keep her overnight just to be safe."

Shoto lets out a breath that he was holding for God knows how long as Fuyumi was sobbing out of relief, thanking any God that was listening.

"Doctor, do you have any idea of why she was taking the pills?" Shoto asked.

"Well, my guess is that she was suffering from a migraine and one thing led to another." He says.

"Is she awake?" Shoto asked.

"She's still asleep. But, Mr. Todoroki I highly recommend that you break her from this habit, possibly get her into a rehabilitation center, I'm afraid they won't be so lucky next time."

Shoto nods in agreement, and they went to your room.

Shoto quietly opens the door seeing you peacefully sleeping. It was enough to bring tears to his eyes.

It felt like a few seconds ago he was screaming at the paramedics to save you. Fuyumi watched as her brother hasn't moved from his spot. Like he had no clue what his next move was.

He wanted more than anything in the world than to scoop you up in his arms and just run away from all of this chaos.

Shoto takes a deep breath and makes his way towards the bed and takes a seat next to you.

He gently rubs your hand, his fingers brushing against your wedding ring. He remembers the day that he bought it. He was with Deku and the other boys, and he asked the clerk for the most expensive ring that they had.

He chuckled as he remembered all the guys talking at once about how straightforward he was.

And he remembered the day of your wedding. It was just like right out of an anime fairytale. The day you became Mrs. Todoroki, the day you became his forever and the next.

Shoto lets out a broken laugh as he choked on a sob. Ever so slightly he creased your face, then placed both hands on either cheek, his forehead against yours.

"And I...

Can' love...with...


Moments passed and he heard a soft; "Shoto?"

Shoto shuts his eyes even tighter as he tried to control his sobs. "My (y/n), my love, my love, my love!" Your husband attacks your face with kisses and then pulls away.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

You give a nod. "Do you remember what happened?"

You look away but nod. "Yes."

"I won't be mad if you tell me, I only care that you're alright." Shoto says.

"I actually had a headache this time...I tried everything to make it go away but...I had the Tylenol stashed away...I took two and I just couldn't stop myself." You say.

"Do you remember what you told me before..."

You nod. "I said I'll get help."

"You know what I have to do now (y/n)?" Shoto asked.

You nod and then this time you broke into sobs. "I want to get help, I do! I don't wanna live like this anymore, Shoto!"

"I know, I know you don't. I don't want to either."

"Are you...going to leave me?" You asked.

"Why would I do that?"

"I've been...I've been so selfish. And the minute you left I couldn't...I couldn't help myself!"

"You think I'd leave you? No...I'm not going anywhere. Especially now, I love you so much, I won't let something like a drug addiction break us apart. Even if it takes everything I own, I'm gonna get you clean. Do you understand me? I know this might be scary, but it's something you have to do. I understand it's gonna take a while for you to go back to normal, but I swear to God I'm gonna be there for you. You're my wife and I love you, don't ever think I'm going anywhere. If it takes every breath of my body, I'll get you out of this."

Shoto tightly wraps his arms around you. "I love you so much. And I'd be lost without you, my love."

You buried your face in the crook of his neck. "I love you too, Sho."


You guys thought this was the end?...Nope.

Gonna have you suffer...I mean...Have you in your feels a bit more...yeah 😈

yeah 😈

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