Addicted Pt. 3

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⚠️Trigger Warning; Drug use, Suggestive content, mentions of overdose

Some of the Characters' personalities were altered for the story.

If you feel that you're going to be uncomfortable with this topic, stop reading right now.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Like last time, I am not romati...Hell, I think you guys get it.


Todoroki quickly pulls up in the driveway and enters the house. "(y/n)!" He calls out as he closed the front door behind him. When he didn't get an answer, he made his way upstairs and saw a few items on the bed.

Skittles, mints, chewing gum, a bottle of pop, and a bag of chips. Nothing out of the ordinary until he looked down on the floor and saw an opened Advil box.

He picks it up and saw the bottle wasn't inside. "This could mean anything." He reassures himself.

Even though he was hesitant, he went to your bedside table and saw your bottle of Codeine. He opened it and saw that the bottle was nearly empty.

Which shouldn't be possible since you just got the prescription less than two weeks ago.

"Oh, (y/n)..." Todoroki sighs as he sits down on the edge of the bed.

He covers his mouth and shuts his eyes.


Eventually, you came home from your walk, you didn't even notice Shoto's car in the driveway.

You entered the bedroom and nearly jumped when you saw Shoto. "Oh my God! I didn't know you'd be home this early."

Todoroki gets up on his feet. "(y/n)...I need to talk to you."

"What about?" You asked.

He pulls the pill bottle out of his back pocket. "About this. How many are you taking?"

You lick your lips. "Why do you ask?"

"Because we got you these almost two weeks ago and it's already empty. And you're only supposed to take them only when you're in pain. So I'm gonna ask again; How many are you taking, and don't lie to me." Shoto says calmly.

"3...m..maybe 4."

"Four?! At a time (y/n)?!" Shoto suddenly raises his voice out of shock.

"Only when I think I need it." You defend yourself.

"(y/n), are you actually in pain? Or are you just taking them?"

"I feel like...I feel like I know...that I need it like I feel like I'm having pains, so I need to take it, to prevent it from happening."

Shoto walks closer towards you and tilts your head up for he can get a better look at you. "Your eyes are bloodshot. Did you just take some?"


"(y/n), did you..."

"I didn't take them!" You protests.

"What did you take then?"

When you didn't answer, Shoto looked in your hoodie pocket and found the Advil. "How many did you take?"

"Only two. I swear." You say.

"I'm taking these." Shoto says while taking the bottle of Codeine and the Advil. Your eyes widened and you instantly grabbed for the pill bottle, but he made it out of reach.

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