Driving drunk is not a good idea....(Drive & Drunk)

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What's up guys! I missed you guys so much! I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating anything but I was on vacation so that's why I didn't have the time to write. But in good news, I will be updating fun chapters so stay tuned.

I have a lot of story ideas that I have to do, I even have a list. But I wouldn't mind if you guys left requests 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 I would appreciate it a lot!

Warnings: Driving while drunk and cursing.
Wordcount: 1600

You were there, sitting in the police station at 3 am, handcuffed to a chair, seeing all the cops moving from one place to another, thinking about nothing but at the same time about everything.

Let me tell you how you got there....

*4 hours before*

You just left from a reunion, you had fun because you got to see all your classmates from the police school you went years ago, you really didn't make any friends back then but you talked to a few of your classmates.

You were feeling a little bit uncomfortable there so you just talked a little bit, drank 2 cups of wine and then you said goodbye to all of them and left early. Some of them asked you to stay more but you just declined that offer.

-I think that was a successful night- You thought to yourself while driving your way back home.

All of the sudden you started seeing police officers in the middle of the road, it was 12 am so it was normal to see cops stopping people to do random tests to people to see if they were drunk.

Wait you are a little bit drunk. That's when you started to get a little nervous, but what where the chances that they picked your car when there was plenty of others. But as always, you were drunk, I mean wrong.

-Good morning miss, you've been selected to do an alcohol test, if you didn't drink anything then you shouldn't be worried- said a young officer while smiling. Why the fuck was he even smiling? You were about to get busted! But you had a plan in mind.

-Oh ok- you said while parking on the side of the road and getting off your car.

-Can you please stand up here-he said while pointing- And can you blow here too please- he said while giving you a thing to blow into.

You did as he said. When the officer looked at the number, he had a surprised face.

-You are 1 number over of being sober, that means you drank alcohol, not much, but sadly, that's enough to take you to the police station for irresponsible driving.

-Wait, wait, wait are you being serious?- you said thinking he was just playing

-Do I look like I'm joking- suddenly the nice cop turned into a bad cop.

-You can't take me to the police station just because I had 1, just 1 point over!

-Actually I can and that's what I am going to do,turn around- he said while taking the handcuffs out of his pockets

-And now you're going to handcuff me?! Do you even know who I am?- You said putting your plan in progress

-No I don't know and I don't care- he said already putting the handcuffs on you.

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