You know I have camaras right? (Living with Steve)

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Heeeeyy, so like I said in the last chapter this is a continuation of the last story, if you haven't read it yet, please go and do it you're not going to regret it.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, this is going to be a really funny one.

Warnings: None! (Finally) just a fun chapter
Word count: 1684 (short one)

Today the alarm woke you up at 5:30 (like everyday since you've lived here) you weren't in the mood to work out, you just wanted to sleep in today, but that was impossible in McGarrett's house.

-Get up,Get up,Get up! Didn't you hear the alarm? It's 5:32 you're already late for the work out- said the devil, I mean Steve.

-I don't want to- you said with a really sleepy voice

-I don't care- he said smirking- get your lazy ass up, put your work out clothes and let's go.

-Ugh fine- you said finally getting up. You closed your door and changed quickly to some comfy work out clothes.

After that Steve and you exercised like every day, you guys jogged through the beach, Hiked for 1 hour, then Steve gives you a 45 min break where you drink water, eat a light breakfast and quickly change into a swim suit because it was time to do some laps around the pool. That's not all, after that both of you start to jump the rope, and do some jumping jacks, sit-ups,etc.

But this time was a little different.

After you guys finished swimming Steve got close to you to tell you something.

-I'm not going to be with you today in our last exercises.


-Because I have to go grocery shopping, where do you think all the food comes from

-Oh ok- you said a little annoyed that he told you a little late, you didn't want to work out alone, it was boring for you.

-If you don't do the whole workout when I come home, you're going to have serious consequences, did you understand me?

-Yes sir- He really thinks that I'm his military trainee.

-Ok see you


Were you really going to work out? You felt so lonely that you didn't even know how to start, but then an idea came to your mind. If you listened to some music maybe you will get motivated.

You went for your phone and your AirPods to your room and started to listen to music, while listening to the music you went to the garage because that's where you normally do your workouts. It was going good at first, you were stretching and feeling good.
But then the music got over you and you started dancing non stop.

1 hour later you were still dancing and didn't notice how much time you spent doing that.
Suddenly you heard a loud cough behind you, when you turned around you saw Steve standing in the door with his arms crossed on his chest, he was looking directly at you.

-How much of that did you saw?- you said getting really red because of the embarrassment you were feeling in that moment.

-Enough to see that you're not working out anymore- he said frowning his eyebrows

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