I dont wanna get trained again!! (The failed catch)

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I'm really exited about this specific chapter because it's the beginning of a mini series that is going to last like 4 or 5 chapters.

All of these stories are going to be so funny, I had it all planned in my mind a long time ago so I would really appreciate if you guys could give me a little ⭐️!!! It's going to be long so get ready.

Just remember that nothing romantic is ever going to happen between the characters because they are literally like family, so yeah.

Warnings: Cursing, a lot....and angst
Word count: 2630

Today the team of five-0 has a really important case. It's about a drug dealer named Diego Castilian that you guys have been looking for 5 months now, there was a few times where you guys were about to catch him but he somehow always escaped.

But not today because  finally Kono localized him, Castilian is going to make a deal at the beach with other drug dealer (he is not really that important) but the thing is that, finally the team has a perfect opportunity to catch him.... or that's what you thought.

*At Oahu beach*

-Ok Kono we see him, both of them are getting in the place they accorded to-Steve said through the walkie-talkie

-Ok guys, just be as casual as you can and when you get close to him, arrest him-Kono said on the other side of the walkie-talkie.

She was on a van seeing if everything was going good, and if things get a little bit sketchy, she was going to help us out. What could possibly go wrong, right?

-Get ready, they are already starting the deal- Said Chin. The 4 of you were behind a stall spying on the criminal, waiting for the perfect timing.

-So Danny and Chin go for the buyer and you and I go for Diego, right?- You asked Steve to really make sure to execute the plan perfectly and correctly, you didn't want to make any mistakes.

-Affirmative-Steve said

-Can I ask you a huge favor boss?- You said nervously because you knew he was going to say no, but you wanted to give it a try anyway.

-What is it?

-Can I please be the one that tackles Castilian? I really want to be the one that caughts and arrests him- Nobody was surprised by your request, they knew that you've been working so hard on this case and they knew you were going to make this petition or something similar.

-Are you sure you can do it?- Danny was the first one to doubt about this.

-You don't think I can? Of course I can! I've been planning this a long time ago, this exact moment-you said really confident

-I wasn't saying that you couldn't I just asked because he is like 3 time more your size and weight-He said doing movements with his hands

-That doesn't matter, if I can't do it, even tough I will, I have a plan B. If he tries to escape I'm going to shoot him on the ankle-You said imagining this on your head.

Every night you thought about this exact moment, how were you going to catch Diego Castilian, sometimes these thoughts kept you thinking through out the whole entire night. But thanks to that now you have the perfect plan.

-I know you can do it, don't be scared ok? Just remember that everybody makes mistakes-Said Chin adjusting his bulletproof vest.

-I don't

-Alright enough of talking, we have to do it right now before they go back to their cars- Steve said doing hand gestures. You got even more exited than before if that was possible- Y/n remember, when you get 2 meters away from him, that's the time to tackle.

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