Just the two of us (solo case)

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So this is going to be a really cool episode, I think you guys are going to like it a lot, It's going to be a little long but who cares. Btw the five-0 team doesn't appear much in this episode I'm sorry, I wanted y/n to have a solo episode too!

Warnings: Cursing and mention of alcohol.
Word count: 3,924

You were working on a case with all of the team until Steve called you to his office.

-Hey y/n I have news for you- said Steve sitting on his desk.

-What's up- you said intrigued

-Well today the governor called asking for you

-For me?-you said surprised

-Yes, he wants you to participate on a case with a bunch of other amazing agents.

-Woow when is it going to be?- you said getting exited

-Right now, I'm going to send you the location, they're going to explain everything you have to do there-Said Steve sending you the location over his phone.

-Oh ok thank you Boss-you said getting out of the office.

When you got out of the office Danny was just entering the HQ

-Where are you going y/n?- he said seeing that you were about to go.

-The governor gave me a case with other agents, so I'm going there right now

-That's awesome, just be careful ok?- Said Danny always worried.

-Of course, see you later  Danno-you said happily.
This was going to be fun

*In the Governor's place*

When you arrived there was a lot of agents there, they were all waiting for something. You got out of your car (you finally have a car!) and you went where everybody was.

You saw a lot of famous agents there, these agents were so good at their job that you felt ashamed of being there with all of this cool people.

Before you could think more the Governor and some secretaries came out of the building.

-Good morning agents, today is going to be a really special day- said the governor to get everyone's attention.

-We're going to explain what all of us are going to do, where and with whom-Said the secretary next to the Governor

-As you can see, we have a lot of detectives here, and it's because we have a mission for all of you. We have found a huge group of drug dealers all over the island, we need a lot of personal to take care of all of them, that's why we called all of you-The Governor said

-We are going to divide all of the agents in groups of 3 to 4 people, and we're going to give each of you a location on where you should go, when you arrive there you will see your work partners and obviously all of you will start working- The secretary said.

-This mission will contain undercover work, lots of running and lots of shoots, so be prepared agents-Said the Governor with a smile-Now it's time for all of you to get in your cars and go to the location that has been sent to your phone, good luck detectives.

You were really exited, who will you work with!? There's a lot of talented people and you could work with any of them, this was going to be a really good work day.

*Arrived to your destination*

When you pulled over to your destination you saw a young man, when he turned around you knew exactly who he was. The arrogant, egoist and stupid Alex Green.

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