You literally went 12 meters downhill! (hill injury)

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Hiii, so this is literally my favorite chapter, I have had this idea for quite a while and I had repeated it on my mind a lot of times, I just love this chapter so much.

I'm actually writing this while doing the mini series of y/n living with Steve (previous chapters) but I had to write this first because I just love this idea so much!

(Remember that nothing sexual is ever going to happen between the team because they're literally like family to each other)

Warnings: injection, cursing, throw up (not explicit), wounds
and a little of weirdness.

I really hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do writing it!

Word count: 2676

You had an interesting case today, a 26 year old girl that murdered 4 people was out there on the Hawaiian streets, after quite a bit of investigation the team finally found her location. She was on a boat by the shore, you guys did all this investigation and she was just on her boat. But now you're going to finally arrest her so that no more people die.

You loved to do that, arresting people, that saves a lot of lives if you think about it.

Chin, Kono and you went to the shore together to look out for this girl:

-Y/n look for her in that boat, I'm going to look inside this boat and Kono on the other one ok?- Chin said pointing to each yacht while saying it

-Got it- said Kono while going to her designated yacht

-Well actually they're yachts but ok- you said correcting him, he just laughed it off and all of you entered to each yacht.

The yacht was a really beautiful one, it was pretty luxurious and it wasn't that big.
You first looked through the outside part of the yacht and then you entered, you quickly searched up with your gaze through the little kitchen that it had, you opened the bathroom, nothing in there and when you were about to open another door you heard a sound in the outsides of the yacht.

You quickly ran to the outside part and there she was,  the horrible woman that killed 4 innocent people.

-Five-0, hands up and stay where you at!-you screamed to the girl but as always, she escaped.

This girl literally jumped to the water and started swimming away.

-FUCK!- you said while quickly putting your phone and your gun down on the yacht so that it didn't get wet, then you proceeded to jump to the water too. "I'm going to fucking kill you" was the only thing you thought of while swimming behind this bitch, I mean this criminal.

The woman started to get tired so she started swimming to the seashore, you were close to her but not close enough to take her and drown her, yes it sounds awful but you couldn't believe how this woman had done all of those horrible things to those poor people and she was still out there without any consequences.

When the woman got to the sand she started to run as fast as she could, you could have had pointed her with your gun but you left it on the yacht so your only option was to run after her and tackle her, after all this training you did with Steve now you were a professional on tackling, she wasn't going to escape, not on your watch.

Both of you ran through out the whole beach throwing away people and jumping things. After a while both of you left the beach behind and now both of you were running on the Honolulu streets. "Where's Kono and Chin" you thought not seeing any help from your teammates.

The woman started heading towards a downhill, you thought that this was going to make your job easier because then you could just jump on her and handcuff her more easily.

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