The secret cast (Fractured arm)

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I don't know if this chapter is going to be that good because I'm so bad at imagining police cases lol, I hope I get better at it. And also I think it's going to be a short story.

Warnings: none, just a funny chapter.

Word count: 1746

You almost didn't want to go to work today, but you had to because last time you skipped work after the hickey incident (A/n: If you don't know what y/n is talking about, read the previous chapter) so if you skipped work today you were going to feel guilty.

-What's up guys- you said entering the head quarters.

-Hey-said Steve without even looking at you

-He.... wait what happened to you?- said Danny going towards you

-Oh this?- you said pointing at the very clear cast that you had on your wrist- It's nothing just a little accident.

-Well it wasn't that little if you literally have a cast on your arm-said Chin while laughing a little bit

-Omg what even happened to you-Kono said touching your cast

-It's not important, what case do we have here?- you said trying to change the topic.

-So you're really not  going to tell us what happened to your wrist?- said Steve putting his arms on his hips.

Before you could even answer Chin interrupted you:

-Umm guys we have the location, this guy is in his house right now. He just called her friend they are trying  to meet somewhere.

-Ok, Daniel and I will go to this guys house, Kono and you will go to where the friend is-Said Steve while he was getting ready to go as well as the others

-How about me boss?- You said getting confused- you forgot to tell me what to do.

-Oh I didn't forget- he said playfully

-You're not going anywhere with that cast on you-Said Danny putting his bulletproof vest.

-What??!! Why?!?!

-Maybe because you're injured?- said Kono with and obvious tone

-Steve literally FRACTURED his arm while working and in the same day he started to work again like nothing happened-You said getting angry

-Yeah but tell me in what arm do you have the cast? In your right wrist or left wrist?-Steve said crossing his arms and doing that face that he always does

-Umm-You said while looking at your wrists- My right hand-you said not even knowing why he asked that

-I don't think you know how to grab a gun with your left hand, don't you?-Said chin smiling. Why was he even smiling?

-Do you see the problem now or should we continue ?- Said Danny making a hand movement.

-Who told you that I don't know how to grab a gun with my left hand?- You said defending yourself.

You haven't tried to grab a gun with your left arm ever in your life but if you knew how to grab it with one hand  you must know how to grab it with the other one, right?

-Oh so you actually know?-Said Kono intrigued

-Of course, the question is who doesn't? Right?- you tried to really convince them that you knew.

-Ok so you come with us, but don't expect that much to do-said Steve finally accepting.


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