Are you fucking serious!? (The worst day)

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HEEEEYYY!!! I know that the title of this chapter sounds like it's going to be horrible but in reality it's going to be quite funny so please read it!

That's all I hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: lots of Cursing, slight injuries.
Word count: 1720

What didn't happen today?

You had a case by the Oahu valley, all the team was there except from you, your alarm didn't wake you up in time so that's why you were running late.

You couldn't go to work without your morning coffee so you quickly made some and brought it with you in your car.

-Oh crap-you said when your whole coffee spilled all over you while driving to the valley. You didn't have the chance to even change because you had to go to the case.


When you finally arrived to the valley all the team looked at you surprised.

-What happened to your shirt-Said Kono watching the stain that you had on your white shirt

-I fuc~, I mean, I accidentally spilled some coffee over me-you said not trying to swear in front of them.

-And you arrived here 20 minutes late-Said Steve

-Let's just get started with work-You said ignoring them

All of you walked to where the dead body was, it was next to a boat by the valley. The body had gun shots all over the place. It looked horrible.

-This is Ray Froliz, a 37 year old guy that was shot 50 times-Said Chin while all of you looked at the body

-This looks horrible, poor guy-You said about to throw up because of that scene.

-The question is why?-Said Danny

-Criminology is on its way so they will tell us more about this-Said Kono

-Oh they are already here-Said Steve, that comment made all of you turn around. And Oh boy what surprise you got.

-Wait! Is that you y/n!?-Said Ryan, your ex.

-Do you know this guy?-Chin asked you

-Umm no, I don't really know who he is- you said nervously while trying to say with your eyes "Do not say anything" to Ryan

-Is this a joke!? We dated for 5 whole months! I can't believe this- Said Ryan

-You guys what!?-Said Steve alarmed, you just covered your eyes with your hand wishing to disappear.

-Well guys this is my ex boyfriend Ryan-you finally accepted

-You ex boyfriend!? Why didn't we know about this- Danny shouted a little bit.

-Because of that-you said pointing out his behavior.

-Should criminology start working?- said Kono saving you of more talking

-I think they should-Said Chin starting to walk away

-Let's search up for more hints over this place-Said Danny

-And y/n you should get far away from here-Said Steve trying to get you far from your ex. You just rolled your eyes.

All of you went to different directions so that you guys could work faster.

You started to look around the boat part, you saw some blood spots there and when you were about to look more into it you heard someone behind you.

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