What's that on your neck? (Hickey)

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Heeey! This is going to be a pretty intense and cool chapter, I really liked doing it so I hope you guys like it too, I don't have any other thing to add so, enjoy!

Warnings:Just Hickey and a little bit of cussing.
Word count: 2108

So today you went to the five-0 headquarters because Kono called telling all of you that she had a case.

It was a hot day in Oahu, but because you didn't know if you were going to stay there until night time you brought with you a nice hoodie.

-Hey guys- You said entering the office and going to the technology table were everybody was.

Steve and Danny were on one side of the table, you and Chin on the other side of the table and lastly Kono was on the front of the table explaining the case.

-Finally you arrived- Danny told you

-Sorry I got stuck in traffic for a little bit- you lied, but it wasn't that big of a deal.

- Ok so as I was saying, we need to work on this case from step to step, it's not that urgent or important so we don't need to really hurry in investigating and looking for this man. Today let's just search up for some clues- said Kono to all of you

-Ok got it- said Steve and then took a quick glare at all of team members. But then he noticed something on you and started to look directly at you.

-What's that on your neck?- he said pointing at you and coming slowly towards you. Then all of them stared at your direction.

-Umm it's called a necklace- You said with an obvious tone.

But then it hit you, you remembered that last night you hooked up with some random guy and he went a little too far and gave you some hickeys.

This morning you woke up in this guys house so you didn't even remember that he gave you hickeys and you didn't even look yourself in the mirror because you were already running late for work.

- Is that a bruise?- said Steve almost getting close enough to touch you.

You didn't know what to do, if they found out that you had a hickey they would freak out and kill that poor guy. So you decided to do what everybody would do.... RUN.

You started to run sooo fast, you didn't even know where you wanted to go but you just ran. The three of them started to run behind you (Chin,Danny, Steve).

-Guys just leave her alone!!!- said Kono looking how the three of them reacted- Oh well good luck y/n- she said to herself because nobody was there.

When you started to run through out the whole building and the boys behind you some people got scared, they maybe thought that you were a criminal and that they were chasing you, but you didn't even care at this point, you were just thinking in which place you should hide.

While running you saw that in front of you there was a public bathroom so you decided to enter and lock yourself inside it.

-Y/n... If you think that...that...we can't enter because this is a girls bathroom.....you are really wrong- said Danny catching his breath.

-Umm no, I just entered because I had to go to the bathroom....yeah....I'm going to come out when I finish.- that was the only thing that you came up with.

You turned on the water so that they thought that you were actually going to the bathroom. Then you started to think as fast as you could and looked around in the bathroom for something, then you saw a window and knew what to do.

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