Period catastrophe (that time of the month)

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Heeeeyyyyyy, so this is going to be a weird/funny chapter, well if weird things didn't happen in my stories then it wouldn't be a fanfic written by me right.

I think this is going to be a long chapter and I hope you guys don't get grossed out and I hope you guys enjoy it.

Warnings: Blood I guess, and period but nothing too explicit.
Word count: 3100

You woke up with cramps, this was going to be a great day.

You looked at the clock and realized that it was 8:00 am, you were supposed to be up at 7:00 because you had to work that day. Before getting up you first looked down to your sheets to see if everything was ok, and as you suspected, you had started your period.

When you were about to get up Steve nocked on your door.

-Y/n? Are you awake?- he said on the other side of the door

-Yes, I woke up hours ago- you said not wanting to get scolded

-Can I come in?- Steve said not believing you

-Ummm- when you said that Steve entered your room


-I know! But it's just that I'm feeling a little sick today.

-Just a little sick or are you actually sick-Steve asked you thinking

-Just a little bit I guess- you said not knowing what he was going to say next

-Then get ready right now, we have a case

-Ugh ok-after that both of you just stared at each other for a whole minute, you didn't want to get up while he was there because there was blood all over your sheets and pajamas. You didn't want him to see that

-Are you getting up or not? I'm waiting for you-he said with his arms crossed on his chest

-Yes I'm going to, but I need to stretch first?- You asked instead of just saying it

-C'mon y/n! Just get up!- he got close to your bed and started pushing your sheets away, but you were quick and you grabbed them tightly to you

-What are you hiding?- he said getting confused

-Nothing just go away, make breakfast or something-you said with a higher tone

-Ok, I will make breakfast but know that you are not going to get away with this, we will talk later- he said while going out of your room

-Sure, sure- you said relived that he finally left.

The problem was, how were you going to clean the bloody sheets without him noticing it?

You finally got up from bed and you ignored the mess on your sheets, then you cleaned yourself up and got changed into some comfy clothes.

Then you took all of your sheets off the bed, you made them into a ball and rapidly got down to the laundry room, hoping that Steve wouldn't see you, but he did.

-You finally came down! What's wrong with your sheets? Why are you going to clean them?- he couldn't see the red stains on it because you hid them into your arms.

-Oh my God why are you asking so many questions today! They were dirty and this night I sweated a lot- you were proud of all of the lies you came up with so fast, now you're good at lying.

-Oh ok, breakfast is ready-he said placing the plates on the table.

You threw your sheets on the washing machine and you somehow made it work.

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