Umm I'm...I'm...I'm watching ____? (Lying for a boy)

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Heeeyy! I know you guys missed me! I'm sorry that I didn't update this weekend, I had lots of projects and exams but anyways, I'm going to try and upload a chapter every weekend.

I'm sorry that the last chapter wasn't that good, Im talking about quality wise but I think this one is going to be so much better, I hope.

Warnings: Just weird talks.

Word count: 1734

Everyday before going to work, you always go to a coffee shop that is near the head quarters, and every time you go there you see really cute barista.

You kinda have a crush on him but you have never tried talking to him, well the only talk that happens between the two of you is when you order your drink, but that's all.

But today, today you wanted something to be different, so you fulled yourself up of courage and decided to talk to him. He was on his break so it was a good opportunity.

-H..h..i!-You said when you got close to him

-Hi! I'm on my break right now so my coworker will take your order over there- he said sitting down on an empty table.

-Oh...I actually already got my drink-You replied

-Oh, there's any other thing  I can help you with then?- he said looking into your eyes.

-Look- you exhaled- I know this may sound weird but, you seem like such a good person and you're really cute and really kind and really awesome and really~     - You said really quickly

-Wowow calm down!- he cut you off and started to laugh- You know what? Every time I see you here my day brightens, and I also think you're really cute, really kind and really awesome- he said smiling at you

-Really? Then we should hang out some time- you said confidently

-For sure!- he started to take his phone out of his pocket- I will give you my number.

-I don't know why I didn't talk to you before, you're so nice!- you said handing to him your phone, and you also took his phone.

Both of you started to add your numbers on each others phones.

-Do you have Instagram?- he asked you before giving back your phone


-Well I will make you follow me on insta too- he said looking his username on your phone.

When both of you gave back your phones you looked up at him and saw he was smiling, you noticed that he had cute red cheeks and a dimple on his right cheek, that made you get butterflies on your stomach

-Well I have to get back to work, let's text when I get off and let's hang out some time- he said while getting up from the chair.

-Of course! Let me know when you get off work- you said happily

-Ok! See you soon I guess- he said smiling. And out of nowhere he hugged you in a form to say goodbye

-See you!- You hugged him back and got even more butterflies.

That was definitely a moment you were never going to forget.


While you were working, you couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier, it felt like a movie, You felt great.

While somebody was explaining the case you discreetly took your phone out of your pocket and you looked up the phone number of the cute guy.

When you finally found his contact you realized that he added himself as "future boyfriend" that made you smile a lot.

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