That felt funny! (Getting electrocuted)

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Heeeeeyyyy!!! Ok so this is going to be a short chapter, I think it's going to be a funny one! Please don't hate me if you don't like this chapter, I don't really like it either but I'm trying my best.

2 chapters more and we're done with this mini series ok? Try to enjoy this one.

This chapter was inspired by my mom that electrocuted herself the other day, don't worry guys she's fine, I just thought that it was funny.

Warnings: Just electrocuting I guess.
Word count: 1407

Today was your rest day, after Danny told Steve to give you breaks, Steve finally listened to him. That was awesome because this meant that now you can go out with friends, go to reunions, go to parties...or have dates....Well maybe not those last two, Steve wouldn't let you do that.

You woke up really happy because finally you can just lay down all day without any pressure from Steve. Because of this happiness you decided to make breakfast for yourself and maybe for Steve too. Normally he would cook for you everyday, he only cooks healthy food or he just makes military food for the both of you, yeah it's horrible.

-Woow what is happening today? What bit you?- said Steve surprised that you're making your own breakfast

-The mosquito of rest day bit me!- you said exited

-What are you making for breakfast?- said Steve sitting down on the island chair

-I'm making an avocado toast-you said while smashing avocados

-You should quit five-0 and become a professional chef!- said Steve sarcastically

-Haha really funny- you said grabbing 2 pieces of bread

-By the way today a bunch of people are coming over to watch today's football game together, Danny and Grace are coming a bit early though, Danny is going to help me move some stuff around for the reunion- Steve said while watching you place all the ingredients near you.

-Oh ok, that's going to be fun!-you said about to put the breads on the toaster- Wait I should wash my hand before doing it-Steve laughed at that

-That's gross y/n! You should've done that before starting!

-Shh nobody is going to know-you said plugging the toaster to the electricity

The big mistake was plugging it while having your hands wet, we all know what happened:

You obviously started to get electrocuted. Steve reacted quickly and grabbed a towel, then he putted the towel around you without touching you and then he pulled the towel to his way.

That made you drop the toaster, so you stopped being electrocuted, you fell down on your butt.

-Are you ok y/n? How are you feeling-Steve quickly got close to you and started inspecting you to see if something was wrong.

-Im ok, I think so, actually that felt funny!- you said laughing

-Are you crazy y/n? We're going to the hospital right now!-he said helping you to get up

-No! Please no! I'm ok, I really am-you said standing up.

-We don't know if you're rea~ -Steve was about to say when someone interrupted him.

-Hi uncle Steve, hi auntie y/n-Said Grace, you loved her, she is a nice kid.

-Hey Gracie!!- you said going where she was and hugging her

-There's a hug for me too?- said Danny smiling at you

-Of course Danno- you said hugging him too

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