You did it on purpose, right? (Steve gets you injured)

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Hii! Omg it's been a long time, like really a long time. I haven't updated because I wasn't feeling motivated anymore but dw I'm back 😎
It's been an awesome journey writing for you guys and for me, I'm really thankful for everybody that re reads my book and the people that tell me how much they like the book. You guys make me really happy and I wish the best for all of you!

Warnings: Injury, alcohol
Word count: 2136

Today was one of your favorite holidays, Halloween! And because of that, you went to a Halloween party.

It was one of the best parties you have ever been to, you danced, laughed and socialized with new people.

But the problem started when you drank your 12th shot of vodka. Suddenly you started to remember all of those times that Steve embarrassed you, made you do things you didn't want to and the times that he scolded you. You felt your anger starting build up.

-I'm leaving.

-Wait..Where are you going.

-I have something really important to do- You said as you were walking out of the house.

You had just the perfect idea to release all that anger.

You needed to buy some supplies first, so you called an Uber and went to target (finally learning your lesson to not drive drunk). When you got there the only things you got were; Toilet paper and Eggs. I bet you already know where this is going.

After another Uber trip, you finally got to your destiny. Steve's house.

-Revenge is a dish best served with paper and eggs- You said laughing drunkenly.

First you opened the egg carton and realized that 7 of them were already broken, now you only had 3 eggs to throw. So you proceeded to do that, next you opened the toilet paper and you started to throw it to the house until it was almost completely full of toilet paper.

-Masterpiece...-You said looking proudly at your disaster. Then you decided to leave the broken eggs in Steve's front door thinking he would step in them when he got out of the house.

Finally you called an Uber and went home thinking that you had done the right thing.
Before going to sleep you started to have some doubts

-What if he discovers that it was me?!-You said thinking while laying on your bed- Nah, today's Halloween, anybody could have done it. Maybe a kid and his friends did it! Yes...For sure.

*The next day*

You had the worst hangover ever, and the worst part. You had to go to work; And as always, you were late.

You showed up to work with sunglasses, half asleep with a hungover. And if that wasn't enough, as soon as you entered the HQ things started to take a turn.

-Y/N to my office. Now-That was the first thing Steve said. He looked angry

-What happened to, hello? What happened to, how are you?- You said entering his office behind him.

He closed the door and went to his side of the desk.

-Take a sit Y/N. This is going to be long-He said really serious

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