Where were you? (Getting home late)

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Finally!!! This is the last part of the series "living with Steve" it was a fun series to write but right now I'm so over it hahahaha, I'm glad I'm finally going to finish it.

I already did 2 fanfics not related to this mini series that are waiting to be published. So I better hurry up with this one. Enjoy.

Warnings: Alcohol mention, cursing
Word count: 1175

You did some crazy things this day. First of all your friend invited you to his friend's party, you didn't even know these guy but your friend convinced you to go, she said that it was going to be the best party ever, you couldn't miss that.

In order to go, you to had to lie a bit for you to be able to go to that awesome party, you didn't like lying to Steve but sometimes you had to do it for your own good.

So you told Steve that you were going to go at a friend's house at 5:00pm. Your plan was taking a bag with you with all your party clothes in and go to your friend's house to get ready for the big party there. That way Steve wouldn't see you all dressed up and he wouldn't suspect anything.

You also told him to not wait for you late at night. You said that for two reasons, 1 you were maybe going to arrive really late and 2 maybe you will be a little drunk.


-Omg there's a lot of people here-you said entering into the house of your friend's friend.

-Yes it is girl! We're going to have so much fun!!!!-She said with an exited tone

-Yes we are-You said with a smile on your face

When you entered to the house there was a lot of people, you could say that half of the Hawaiian population was there.

All of the people there were drinking and dancing all over the place, you could see that they were having a lot of fun.

-Do you want a drink?-Said a handsome boy to you.

-Sure- You said. He gave you a shot of vodka.

-Enjoy yourself-he said and then left, you took that shot like it was nothing.

You didn't drink that much at the party, just the shot of vodka that the guy gave you, a shot of tequila and a beer, you weren't that drunk, just a little bit. You could still walk normally though.

Through out the whole night you danced, talked, did some karaoke and danced some more until it was 3:00 am.

-It's time for us to go-You said finally finding your friend

-Noo!! I don't wanna go yet! I want to party some more-She responded while dancing.

-We have to go!! If you don't go with me then I'm going to call an Uber and I'm going home by myself.

-Then go! I'm not driving you anywhere and you're not staying at my house, good luck with your dad-She said turning her back at you

-Fuck you, AND HE IS NOT MY DAD!!-you shouted at her angrily, a few people stared at you weirdly but you didn't care.

As you said you called an Uber and you didn't have anywhere else to go so you had to go to Steve's house. That wasn't your first plan , your plan was to stay the night with your friend so that Steve wouldn't see you drunk but that plan is screwed up now.

"Maybe he will be asleep, it's 3:24, who's awake at this time?" You thought to yourself hoping that it would be true.

When you finally arrived home it was already 3:39 am, you weren't that scared about Steve seeing you because you thought he was going to be dead asleep. But oh boy where you wrong.

When you opened the door you almost got a heart attack

-Where were you?-there was Steve, standing with an angry face with his arms crossed on his chest.

-Oh my fucking God Steve, my heart almost dropped to my ass, you scared the shit out of me-You said touching your heart.

-I asked you something- he said seriously

-I'm sorry for coming late dad- you said sarcastically.

-I'm not joking y/n, it's 3 am in the morning, where were you?

-I told you I was at a friend's house

-Why didn't you stayed there? It's really late and it's dangerous at night

-Don't worry about it the good thing is that I'm here safe - you said while going towards your room but before you could even get close Steve grabbed your arm.

-Did you drink something?-he said smelling alcohol

-What? No way! It was a girls reunion-you said lying again

-Why do I feel like your lying to me? Am I wrong? Y/n I swear if you keep lying I will have to do a polygraph on you (A/n: A polygraph is the machine that the police uses as a lie detector)-Steve said done with you.

- You have to say the truth right now. If you don't do it you will stay here one more month.-he said finally

-Ok-you said exhaling and sitting down- I lied to you, I went to a party and I drank just a little bit- Steve just nodded with his still crossed arms.

-Why didn't you just tell me that? And why did you lie and went to a party a week before finishing this training?

-I don't know, I just wanted some fun and in my defense my friend was the one convincing me to do this.

-Well I don't care who convinced you, I didn't know where you were. What if something really bad happened to you, like someone kidnapped you or poisoned you!? I wouldn't be able to even save you because I didn't know where you were-he said mad

-I know and I'm really sorry- you said looking down

-It's not ok, but I forgive you, now go take a shower and sleep, tomorrow we will talk more about this- he said giving you a pat on your shoulder

-Thank you uncle Steve-you said out of nowhere

-Are you that drunk?-he said confused that you called him "uncle"

-I don't know why I said that-you said while going to you room.

Because of what you did, your last week of living with Steve was hard, he made you do a lot more of training and you did lots of house chores. You deserved it. But finally you're back home with your roommate and finally you don't have to live with your boss

OMFG I FINALLY FINISHED!! I thought I would never finish this mini series, I'm so sorry that this chapter was literal trash and it was so short but I didn't know what else to write I'm sorry.

Even though this chapter sucks please don't forget to leave a ⭐️ and a comment!

Every recommendation and request are appreciated and accepted.

I hope you have a great day/night!

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