The only 2 times I got caught....(Caught with somebody)

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Hey guys! This is going to be a long episode so be prepared.

Warnings: Cursing and mention of sexual stuff

Word count: 2377
You were in a restauran with your friends, all of you were talking and laughing a lot, you were having so much fun.

Then a certain subject came to the table...

-One time my parents caught me with a boy in my room! It was so embarrassing!!-One of your friends said.

All of the girls started to say their experiences and stories about that certain subject and you just heard them and laughed along with them.

-What about you y/n? Have you gotten caught ?

-Well as you girls know, I don't really live with my parents anymore but I do have some sort of Ohana here, the team treats me like a little sister and actually the only 2 times I got caught were pretty interesting- You said getting them intrigued

-Tell us!!- Said other one of your friends

-Well the first time was like 6 months ago.....

*throwback to 6 months ago*

-I had a lot of fun last night- said Rya... Well let's call him Boy A.

-Yeah me too- You said smirking a little while you were laying on his chest.

Then you got a phone call.

-Yeah?-You said a little annoyed that someone was calling you at that specific moment

-Can you open the door !? We've been knocking on the door for 20 min- Said Danny on the phone.

-What? Why are you guys here!?

-We came for the paper work you said you were going to give us!-he said annoyed-If you don't open Steve will break your door, so please hurry up

-Oh my god! No! Please wait a minute- You said so alarmed because if they saw what was happening, then they were going to kill this poor boy A.

-I don't know if we can wait any longer- You heard that Steve said

-I'm naked, if you come in you will see me naked so please just... just let me put some clothes on-You said getting as red as a tomato, that was the only thing that came to your mind as an excuse

-Oh- it's all you heard and then you hang up.

-You need to hide NOW!-You ordered to the Boy A

-Wait why?- Boy A said with a confused look

-Look if you don't hide my Boss is going to see you and I'm going to get in so much trouble, so hide or jump through the window

-We're on the 5th floor!!-He said shouting a little bit

-Shh!!! Then hide !!

Boy A hided in your closet, you quickly putted your clothes on and opened.

-Hi- you said really nervous

-What took you so long- said Danny while both of them came in

-I was just sleeping

-It's 11 am, you never sleep that late- Said Steve confused

-I was really tired, yesterday I went to bed late- Your nose is going to grow soon because of all the lies you tell.

-Ok, well can you give us the paperwork please?-Danny said getting straight to the point and you thanked him internally

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