Remember Me

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*Dipper's pov*

"Wait what?" I stared at her in shock, pieces clicking in my head. Had I been shot with the memory gun? Was that why this boy was claiming to be my boyfriend?

I felt strangely happy. Like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Like nothing bad could happen. Like I could be reckless.

The boy, Bill I think he said, was sobbing. I broke away from Mabel to go over to him.

"I'm Dipper, but I guess you know that. Its nice to meet you?" I said awkwardly. I offered my hand to help him up. He took my hand gently, and stood up.

"May I..." Bill asked. He motioned, asking to hug me. I thought for a second, then shrugged and nodded. He wrapped his arms around me, but I could tell he was holding himself back. I nervously hugged him back for a second, then moved back. Silent tears where slowly dripping down Bill's face, and he was blushing. I felt bad for him, but I don't know him. There's nothing I can do.

"Can't we give him is memory's back? Doesn't he just need to watch them?" Pacifica questioned quietly. Mabel nodded excitedly.

"We'll need to get them from Ford though. Plus, I don't think its safe for Bill inside the shack. Or Dipper for that matter." Mabel thought out loud. Pacifica nodded excitedly.

"So me and you get the memories, and these two stay out here and get ready incase we need back up?" Pacifica asked. Bill blushed slightly, I wonder what he was thinking?

"It's a date," Mabel giggled, kissing Pacifica's cheek. Then she looked up at the sky. "After we sleep a bit, its almost 1 am!" Bill yawned cutely, and we all agreed. Bill lead us to a small grove of tree's, where the ground was soft and mossy. He explained that he had found this place in this time in the forest, but I didn't know what he meant.

*Bill's pov*

Pacifica and Mabel where making a plan, but I was to distracted to listen.

Pinetree didn't love me anymore. When I finally earn his love, all his memories of me vanish. What luck? I really couldn't get a break.

"And these two can stay out here and get ready incase we need back up?" Pacifica completed the plan. I blushed, thinking of being alone with Pinetree. But I quickly made those thoughts leave my head. He didn't love me anymore.

When it was decided we where gonna sleep, I brought them to my old home base. A small mossy grove where I had stayed each night before I found the shack, to afraid to sleep. I had been planning on bringing Pinetree here for a picnic, but I guess that was out the window.

I couldn't sleep for while. I sat against a comfortable log, thinking. Pinetree was the first to sleep. Pacifica and Mabel where whispering for a bit, before Mabel fell asleep intertwined with Pacifica. I waited until Pacifica finally slept before moving.

Pinetree looked so peaceful. His brown hair was perfectly swept over his forehead, just slightly revealing his birthmark. I wanted to kiss him so badly. It wouldn't hurt, would it? He where technically dating. I mean, he hadn't broken up with me... had he?

I bent down a gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He muttered something in his sleep, and I flushed. I leaned back on my log, left to debate if he had broken up with me or not until I finally slept.

*Pacifica's pov*

"Mabel, wake up." I gently shook her. I had just woken up, and was still intertwined in her arms. Mabel yawned and snuggled into me more.

"Nooo" she groaned lightly, using my chest as a shield for the early morning sun. I pulled her up, so that we where both able to see the sunrise. It was pink and orange and red. Mabel gently opened her eyes, and stared at it in awe.

"Your gonna need to to distract Ford well I get the memories." I whisper to her. Mabel nods gently, and shifts her body so that we are sat next to each other, holding hands and watching the sunrise. I gently pick a flower next to me and hand to her. She turns a light pink and giggled.

"Everything will be alright." She sighs, resting her head on my shoulder. I nod and wrap my arm around her shoulder.

Everything will be alright.

It has to be.


ayo filler chapter. thank you guys for all the support recently!!

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