The end

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*Bills POV*

The heist flashed by. Soon Ford was knocked out, and tied against a tree. I didn't do much, but it was still enough to get my heart racing.

"When's he gonna wake up!" Pinetree groaned in annoyance. I carefully grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek to calm him. A light blush creeped up on his face, and I held back an expression of pride.

"Sit down!" Mabel told us pointily. Pinetree sat obediently, and I followed suit. Mabel relaxed back onto Pacifica's shoulder and closed her eyes.

"The wait is killing me" Pinetree groaned. I giggled, and he shot me a annoyed look. He couldn't be mad at me for long.

"How about we sleep?" Pacifica suggested. Mabel and I promptly cuddle against our significate other.

It was a peaceful dreamless sleep. Something all of us needed.

*Dipper POV*

I didn't sleep. I couldn't close my eyes without worrying Ford would wake up and escape. And I was right. He did wake up.

It happened when the moon was directly above, so I assumed midnight. Ford began to quietly stir awake. All of a sudden, he jolted awake.

"EVERYONE UP!" I yelled. The rest of the group sluggishly opened their eyes.

"LET ME GO" Ford screamed. I shook my head and walked over to this uncle. I was ready to kill him then and there.

"Dipper back off." Mabel ordered, and I obliged reluctantly. Mabel instead walked up to Ford, dragging Bill behind her.

"Uncle Ford, meet Bill. Bill meet Uncle Ford." Mabel did her best, but Ford continued to struggle.

"MABEL GET AWAY FROM THAT MONSTER" Ford continued yelling. Bill's eyes darted around in panic.

"He's not a monster." I mumbled angrily. Ford stopped yelling and looked around. He studied the people around him.

"He's done something to your head! Get away!" Ford said in a stern voice. I shook my head again.

"He hasn't. He doesn't remember anything. He's good!" Mabel insisted. She released Bill's hand and he ran into my arms. I cuddled him against my chest and let him calm down.

"I'd rather you kill me then you kill him." I said. Ford's eyes widened and I kissed the top of Bill's head for impact.

"HE SHOULD HAVE DIED FIVE YEARS AGO." Ford continued to yell. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to kill him so badly.

"NOBODY IS DIEING!" Pacifica yelled. Everyone turned to stare at her, other then Bill who was still against my chest.

"Mr. Pines, Ford. Please hear us out. Bill's good now. He wasn't before, and we can't deny that. But he doesn't even remember doing that. He's good." Pacifica started, the motioned to me and Bill. "Their in love. You can't change that. Please just let him live."

Everyone looked at Pacifica, even Bill this time. Bill had changed. But aside from that, Pacifica had as well. Mabel took her hand and the girls stood menacingly over Ford.

"No no no no HE CAN'T CHANGE" Ford screamed. I fiddled with the item in my pocket preparing myself.

"HE DID!" Pacifica and Mabel yelled together. The scene turned into a shouting match. Bill started to sob against me.

I had to go through with it. I had no other choice.

I quickly turned the dial and...

-=1 year later=-

*Pacifica pov*

"I got in!" Mabel cried excitedly. It was confirmed, we where going to the same collage. I had decided to major in graphic design, and Mabel was majoring in field science. It was gonna be amazing.

Meanwhile, Dipper and Bill where going to start running the Mystery Shack. Soos loved the place, but he wanted to move in with Melody and start a family. Bill and Dipper gave them that opportunity.

I kissed the top of Mabel's head in congratulations. She looked at me happily.

"Congrats Mabe!" Dipper walked down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out his eyes. "We could hear from upstairs." He laughed.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up." Mabel apologized quickly. Dipper smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I was waking up anyway. And Bill can sleep through anything." He sat in his normal seat where I had places waffles for him once he woke up.

We where happy. And next month we would be going off to school. Bill had never done school before, so their was no way he was getting into collages. Meanwhile Dipper had opted for online classes so he could stay with Bill and run the shack.

Ford and Stan where in a retirement home. Nobody other then us would know what happened that night. To the best of Ford and Stan's knowledge, Ford had been kidnapped by gnomes and hit his head on a rock. He couldn't remember anything, he had to relearn to walk. All of us where mad at Dipper. After awhile we were resigned to the fact that it was the best option.

And that was it. We where happy.

A perfect happily ever after.

The End.


Hi! Trust Issues is finally done! Sorry this took me forever. I lost all motivation for this fandom tbh. I'll never forget this story and my love for it though. Sorry if it feels rushed, but I hope you enjoyed. And I hope to see you all on some of my other books? Anyway, love you all and have an amazing day. Bye!


Trust Issues (Bildip)Where stories live. Discover now