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*Bill's pov*

It was a blur.

Pinetree burst in the door, locking eyes with me. I stared at him for a second, before he dashed over. Nobody had time to realize what was happening. I could see Mabel's eyes widen, trying to move her legs so he wouldn't trip on her.

But Pinetree came tumbling towards me. Neither of us could do a thing, and Mabel was panicking.

And now Pinetree's lips have fallen on mine.

*Dipper's pov*

I'm kissing Bill Cypher.

It wasn't on purpose. None of this was on purpose.

It felt so good.

After a minute, I stood up. Bill's face was bright red, and I could feel mine burning.

"WHAT THE HELL MABEL?" I shouted. Mabel looked shocked. I knew yelling at her was wrong, but I couldn't think.

"Its wasn't my fault," Mable stuttered. I could see tears welling in her eyes. Anger took control of me.

"THEN WHO DID I TRIP OVER? WAS THIS YOU PLAN ALL ALONG? TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A IDIOT?" I yelled. I closed my eyes so I couldn't see her sobbing. I continued to mindlessly yell.

"Pinetree?" A small voice asked through my yelling. I ignored it. It wasn't importent.


"Pinetree please."


When I heard my name, my actual name, I turned around. Behind me, Bill was huddled in a ball. Tears quietly fell down his face. I took a deep breath and crouched next to him.

"Please don't yell." He said timidly. I wanted to argue, but I couldn't argue with him. He looked so innocent, I couldn't yell at him. I nodded, then slumpted on my bed.

Mabel quickly dashed out the room as soon as I wasn't looking. I felt bad for yelling at her. But for now I needed to talk with Bill.

"Sorry." I muttered, looking at the floor. Bill came at sat next to me.

"Don't worry Pinetree, I'm sure she'll forgive you." Bill smiled sweetly. I shook my head.

"No. I'm sorry for being so cold towards you. I was paranoid. I should have given you a chance." I admitted. Bill grabbed my hand, and I didn't fight it.

"Will you give me a chance now?" Bill asked quietly.

I wasn't sure how to reply. My head was still telling me not to trust him, but my heart was 5 steps ahead.

Instead of a response, I kissed him.

*Pacifica's pov*

"WHAT!" I yelled. Mabel clapped a hand over my mouth.

"Please don't yell." She murmured. I nodded, and wiped the tears from her face with my sleeve.

"He had no right to yell at you." I say stubbornly. Mabel shakes her head.

"It was my fault-" Mabel begins. I shut her up with a quick kiss.

"It wasn't your fault. Dipper wasn't looking where he was going, is anyone's to blame its him."

Mabel lay her head on my lap, and I pulled the couch blanket over us. I passed her the remote. She pulled up ducktective reruns quietly. I smiled.

If she was happy, I was happy. I hope I can make all this better.

Its gonna be a tense few days between Mabel and Dipper. I'll have to get Bill to help me.



On a more serious note, sorry this was a shorter chapter. It was kinda heavy so I didn't wanna go on for to long.

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