Mabel's Helper.

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*Pacifica's pov*

When I came to, Mabel was still passed out in my arms. I smiled at her, barely moving. She needed the sleep. From what I'd seen last night, she had been taking care of both Bill and Dipper, as well as keeping everything clean. Dipper needed the care. According to Mabel, he never ate unless she reminded him to. Bill most likely ate, but there was no way he could make his own food.

I lay in bed with her for awhile, then took the chance when she moved slightly to put a few pillows in my place and slip downstairs. Dipper was nowhere in sight.

I walked into the kitchen. This was where I found Dipper. Across from this room was the living room, where I could see Bill organizing his bed to keep it neat. He was trembling.

Dipper was pouring himself a bowl of cereal when I walked in. I smiled at him, and he nodded at me.

"Take whatever you want." He put on a fake smile. I nodded and poured myself a bowl of cereal as well, and moving to sit across from Dipper. He was playing with his food, but not really eating.

"How are you?" I ignored my food for a minute, knowing Mabel would be happy if Dipper was happy.

"Fine." Dipper sighed.

"If your fine why aren't you eating?" I looked at him softly. He sighed again and began to slowly eat.

Mabel walked around the corner, holding Bill's hand. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. She poured both herself and Bill some cereal, and came to sit with us. She sat next to me, putting Bill next to Dipper. Bill was clearly trembling.

Mabel squeezed my hand and rested her head on my shoulder. She still had bags under her eyes.

"Did you even sleep last night?"I whispered so that only she could hear. I felt her nod, then heard her cute little yawn.

"A little." She sleepily murmured back. I wrapped my arm around her. I looked around the table.

This family was a mess. Bill was eating, and shaking. He looked scared out of his mind. Dipper had gone back to playing with his food and spacing out, and Mabel was almost asleep. I knew I had to help. I couldn't leave Mabel to deal with those two.

*Mabel's pov*

I couldn't fall asleep until late last night. Or maybe it was early this morning. For the past two nights I had been working until about 3 am, then spending the rest of the night worrying in bed.

Normally Bill needed help falling asleep, Dipper just needed to be forced to bed, and then I had to clean my daily attempt at cooking. Then I had to get to making some new clothes for Bill, since Dippers were far to big on him, and then trying to make some food for the morning.

I was so tired. My head rested on Pacifica's shoulder, and I desperately tried to keep my eyes open.

Bill told me about this nightmare. I didn't think dream demons could get nightmares, but he really is just a human now. He was now slowly eating his food, and his eyes were focused on Dipper. He was scared of Dipper, anyone could see that. But the more he looked at Dipper the pinker he got. I smiled at him.

Dipper was in his own world. He had just left his food sat there, distracted.

I closed my eyes just for a second. Just a second.

*Bill's pov*

I looked at Pinetree for awhile. He was distracted in his own mind. His mindscape. Where had that word come from? Was mindscape even a word?

I felt my face grow red as I looked at him. Just like Mabel did around Pacifica. I shrugged it off.

I glanced at Mabel. She had fallen asleep on Pacifica's shoulder. I smiled at them.

Pacifica realized Mabel was now asleep, and wrapped her arms around the sleeping girl. She picked her up bridal style, and began to walk towards the stairs. Pinetree took no notice, but I nodded at her.

*Pacifica's pov*

I lay Mabel back in her bed. She was passed out. I tucked the blankets around her, kissed her forehead and headed back down stairs.

"Dipper, can I talk to you?" I tried to sound upbeat for Bill's sake. Dipper nodded and followed me into the living room.

"Is it ok if I stay with you for a few days? Mabel's not doing so good. No offense, but you two are a lot to handle for one girl." I tried my best to be sensitive to Dipper, but deep down I was mad at him for letting his sister get this way.

"I can take care of myself, I'm 18." Dipper rolled his eyes at me. I sighed.

"Without her you wouldn't sleep or eat. Please let me stay, just for a few days to take care of Mabel!" I raised a eyebrow at him, and tried to keep the begging out my voice.

"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP." Dipper raised his voice. I pressed my hand on his mouth so not to wake up Mabel, but it was to late. I heard a shuffling upstairs and a few seconds later Mabel was in the door way.

I ran over to her, and sat her on the couch. "You should be sleeping."

"Its hard to sleep with you guys yelling. Plus, I don't need sleep." Mabel yawned as soon as she finished speaking, and groaned.

"Sorry." Me and Dipper said together.

"Pacifica, you can stay for a few days. But only to take care of Mabel." Dipper sighed, and returned the the kitchen.

I smiled at him, then layed Mabel's head on my lap.

"Thank you." Mabel smiled at me. I pressed my fingers gently over her eyes, closing them.

"Your welcome Jelly Bean, now get some sleep."

Ok! Long chapter! Again! This was mainly Pacifica and Mabel focused, I'm not sure why just what I felt like writing. Next chapter will be more focused on Bill and Dipper, swear. Also, I am very attached to Pacifica calling Mabel Jelly Bean. Its so cute! Anyway, see you soon for the next chapter! I hope to get a lot written the next two days. 1046 words.

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