I'm sorry

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*Bill's pov*

Pinetree's eyes scanned the paper, panic filling his face. Mabel and Pacifica watched him, concerned. I tried to be concerned, but I was to excited. I glanced at the paper and read a few sentences. He was reading about me! About how I had destroyed the town...

He would get to the part about loving me soon. He had to. He did love me, it was in his memory's.

*Dipper's pov*

It all flooded over me like a wave. First, I felt like I was drowning. Gravity falls, destroyed? That must be why I had felt so free when these memories where gone. But now, all that trauma was back to eat away at my brain.

I wasn't sure if I should keep reading, but I did. The more I read, the more it fit together. I looked up at Bill, and then looked down at the paper again. That was it. I remembered everything.

Everything flooded over. It started with fear. Fear of the triangle that had ruined my life. But now, it was love. That triangle had changed. He was sweet, and a completely different person. And he was exactly that, a person.

"B-bill?" I mumbled, still looking at the paper. I heard Mabel and Pacifica shifting nervously in the leaves.

"Yes?" Bill cleared his throat. I rolled up the paper again and put it in the bottle.

"Hi." I looked at him directly in the eyes. I watched him try to form words for a second, and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"I- uh well. Do you... sorry" Bill mumbled. I smiled at him, then reached down and slowly intertwined my fingers with his. His eyes went wide, and he flushed.

"I do." A small tear trickled down my cheek. Not a sad tear, but a happy tear. Slowly, I leaned down and kissed him.

*Mabel's pov*

"We have to deal with Ford." Dipper demanded. Bill squeezed Dipper's hand, and Dipper took a deep breath.

"You mean kill him?" Pacifica protested. Bill shook his head as Dipper nodded. I was taken aback.

"DIPPER" I yelled. He jumped alittle, and stared at me. Bill dropped his hand, clearly scared of me.

"WE ARE NOT KILLING OUR UNCLE!" I screamed. Dipper hardened his face and stared at me.

"It would be doing that psycho a favor!" Dipper stated. Bill's eyes darted around in panic.

"Dipper, do you hear yourself?" Pacifica protested. "He's your uncle!"

"He erased my memory, he tried to kill Bill!" Dipper argued back, his fists hardening into a ball.

"I'm sure he wasn't going to k-kill me" Bill mumbled sadly. We all knew that was a lie. We couldn't let Bill near Ford again. This time, it was life or death.

"Lets just kidnap him, not kill! Then we can question him and convince him Bill is good!" I tried to compromise. Pacifica squeezed my hand, and Dipper nodded.

"Ok! Lets go!" Dipper stood up, offering Bill a hand up. Bill shook his head.

"Not yet." Pacifica monotoned. I nodded. "We need a plan"

"Fine." Dipper sat back down. Bill wrapped his fingers around Dipper's, trying to calm him.

"Operation 2.nome!" I cried excitedly. Dipper and Bill looked at me curiously, but Pacifica giggled lightly.

We all sat in the glade, planning. Eventually, Bill fell asleep in Dipper's lap. Bill finally seemed comfortable again. The three of us gave into chatting, until I fell asleep on Pacifica's shoulder.

The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was Pacifica say "You really do love each other, don't you."

"Ya, I don't know how but we do." Dipper responded.

"I swear we won't let Ford hurt him. Or you." Pacifica nodded, stroking my hair. I snuggled into her, and heard no more.


Hey guys! OMG! Sorry it's short, I wanted to get a chapter out becauseeee

WE HIT 1K VEIW. Thank you guys so so much! I never thought we'd get here! Thank you again! Such perfect timing to hit 1k, as we are nearing the end of this story. See ya'll later!

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