New Normal

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*mabel's pov*

I fingered some loose strings from my sweater as I looked around. Me, Dipper and Pacifica were quietly eating our cereal, well Bill neatened up the living room. It was clear he was purposely taking a long time.

I wanted to ask Dipper what happened, but at least for once he was eating without a fight. I decided to pick my battles.

Bill slowly walked in, and I nodded to the bowl of cereal I had prepared for him next to me. He sat, and looked at his lap quietly. We sat in silence, occasionally taking bites of food.

Me and Bill finished first, so I took his hand lead him upstairs, putting our bowls in the sink on the way there. I nodded at Pacifica, who seemed to understand. Then I lead Bill to the attic, and we sat in between the beds playing a board game quietly.

*Pacifica's pov*

"Dipper, are you ok?" I ask. He jumps slightly, looks around, and then sighed.

"Bill loves me, doesn't he?" Dipper replied, ignoring the question. My mind races desperately for a answer.

"Y-yes. He does." I mumbled. Dipper looked up, directly at me. "Do you love him" I asked.

"No?" Dipper said, but it sounded more like a question then an answer, like he wanted someone to tell him how to feel.

"Then how come you blush when ever he's in the room?" I ask carefully. I was trying to help, but I excepted Dipper to blow up at me any second.

"I mean, maybe I like him a little..." Dipper trailed off. I smiled at him.

"I didn't know both the Pines were gay." I giggled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Were not, I'm Bi and Mabel's pan." He stated matter of factly. I nodded.

"Anyway, you should tell him!" I tried to make my voice as upbeat as Mabel's could be.

"Pacifica, he's a dream demon. You expect him to like me back?" Dipper grumbled, sitting back in his chair.

"One, he's human now and he doesn't remember being a demon. Two, he's 100% in love with you." I stated, matching his previous tone.

"Fine." Dipper muttered, and got up. I watched him walk up the stairs.

I was proud of him.

Hi! Short chapter, but i have big plans for the next few so wanted to do a quick one for you guys! ok bye now! see you in a bit!!

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