Operation Gnome

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*Pacifica's pov*

"OPERATION GNOME, COMENSE!" Mabel yelled as soon as we where out of range of the clearing. Both boys had been asleep when they left. I was still arranging her bag as we walked.

"Why Gnome?" I questioned distractively. Mabel giggled and shrugged. I swung the bag over my shoulder, and gave Mabel a thumbs up. Then watched Mabel run ahead to the shack, and hid herself just on the edge of the woods.

"GRUNKLE STAN! FORD!" Mabel screamed, pounding on the door. I jumped alittle. Mabel was a good actor! I could already see fake tears staring to trail down her cheeks. Even though I knew it was fake, my heart still skipped a beat, wanting to comfort her.

"Mabel? Mabel whats wrong! Come in, come in." I heard Stan gruff. I glanced at the door, and could just see the lock click one direction as it closed, and then supposedly Mabel turn it the other way. I ran up to the window, and peeped in. Stan was comforting Mabel. Soon, Ford came into the room as well. I took my chance.

I quickly and quietly turned the door nob, and slipped in. I heard Mabel's sobbing get louder, so to cover my footsteps. I quickly typed the password in the vending machine, and closed it behind me.

Ford's lab was dark, and scary. He had a few bottles like the ones Mabel had described to me on his desk. There where two. One labeled Dipper, and one labeled.... Ford?

I quickly swept Dipper's bottle in my bag, and snuck out the house. My mind was a blur. Had Ford erased his own memory? Why? What was that bottle?

I couldn't think about it to much yet. I pushed my ear against the wall just under the window so I could hear the conversation. It was muffled, but I could make some of it out.

"I have to go now. Pacifica's waiting for me in town!" Mabel choked out through her sobbing.

"Promise you'll come back?" Stan asked.

"Promise." Mabel stated plainly. I heard the door open, and pressed myself against the wall, praying they wouldn't see me. The door closed.

"Pacifica?" Mabel called quietly. I hummed a sorta yes, and she walked into the woods, gently motioning me to follow. I did, staying out of view of the windows.

"Did you get it?" Mabel said exactly. I pulled the tube out my bag, and put it in her hand. She did a sort of dance, cheering.

"But there was something else." I stated sadly. I didn't want to ruin the mood, but I had to.

"What?" Mabel's face dropped.

"There was another tube. I didn't take it, but it was labeled Ford." I explained. Mabel froze. I could practically see cogs turning in her head.

"We need to give Dipper back his memory's. Then he can help." Mabel murmured. I nodded, taking her hand. We began to walk back to the glade.

*Dipper's pov*

When I woke up, it was only me and Bill left in the clearing. The girls must have left to do the thing they had been planning. I looked beside me, to see a sleeping Bill curled into me. I don't remember falling asleep like that, but I was surprisingly fine with it. He was warm. Either way, I poked his side.

"W-wha?" He muttered, rubbing his eyes. His blond hair was perfectly swept across his face. A light blush formed on my face, I didn't know why.

"Wake up." I muttered gently, beginning to stand up. Bill's eyes went wide.

"P-pinetree! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" Bill rambled. I shook my head.

"I don't mind. But please call me Dipper." I told him, turning away.

"Right, Dipper." Bill muttered. My name sounded weird in his mouth, but I ignored that.

"DIPPER!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Soon, I was on the floor again, being smothered by my sister.

"We have your memory's." I heard Pacifica say. Mabel pulled me up to my feet. Pacifica smiled at me, holding out the tube.

*3rd person pov*

It was almost like a movie. Dipper's hand curled around the tube gently. If it had been a movie, the camera would have spun around dipper as he sat, ending up in front of him again. Dipper sat on a log, with the others around him. Pacifica was peering over his shoulder, Mabel was sat next to him, and Bill was leaned against the log near Dipper's leg.

Dipper carefully pulled out the curled up, crisp paper from its container and began to read.

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