The Past

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*Bill's pov*

I held tightly to Pacifica. She said it was just a dream, but I couldn't believe that. It seemed so real!

I looked up from Pacifica's sweater to see Mabel sat next to us. She took my hand and gently squeezed it. With her other hand she was holding Pacifica. I sat up and looked at them, wiping my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Mabel asked gently. I couldn't really tell if she was asking me or Pacifica, but Pacifica answered. She explained my dream to Mabel. Mabel dropped my hand, and her eyes widened.

"Don't tell Dipper." Mabel looked straight at me. I nodded. Mabel reached her arms out to me, and I went in. She wrapped both me and Pacifica in a hug. I could feel her head moved to look at Pacifica.

Was this dream a memory? But where was I in it? Pacifica was a banner, and Pinetree and Mabel were being chased by the triangle. But I wasn't there! Unless I worked with the triangle...

*Dipper's pov*

When I woke up, Pacifica and Mabel weren't in bed. I walked downstairs. Mabel and Bill were both asleep on top of Pacifica. Pacifica looked as though she had just woken up.

She noticed me walking in. Her eyes were panicked for a sec, then she smiled at me. I walked over and sat in the remaining space on the couch, next to Bill.

Me and Pacifica had a whispered conversation for about 20 minutes, until Bill started to wake up. He carefully opened his eyes, and saw me above him. Both of our eyes went wide, and we stared at each other for a seconds before he scrambled back.

He looked scared out of his mind, and I knew my face was bright red. The commotion woke up Mabel, of course, and she sat up. I watched her eyes travels from my blushing face, to Bill's curled up body. She put two and two together fast.

"Get a room." She jokingly mumbled, then headed to the kitchen. Pacifica giggled quietly, and followed her. I could hear them chatting quietly and pouring cereal.

Bill and me were frozen. He slowly straighten up, not breaking eye contact. I tried to control my face, but I knew I was still blushing. Bill's face was slowly turning red. We looked into eachothers eyes for almost a minute. I could tell his mind was racing, but my mind was strangely clear of all thoughts.

After a minute, he darted his eyes into his lap. I looked away, trying to find anything to hold my gaze on. I ended up staring at the blank tv screen.

"Sorry." Bill mumbled. I held my eyes on the tv.

"Don't worry. Sorry I startled you." I muttered back. I could feel his gaze moving to me.

"Don't worry." Bill echoed. I glanced at him, not making eye contact, then got up and headed to the kitchen without a word.

*Bill's pov*

I can't do this anymore

I have to tell Pinetree

I have to tell Pinetree I love him.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok! Chapter done! I know its short. I had a week off school so I didn't write much in that time, since I kinda wiped out. But I'm back! I know its short but i wanted to post something. so here you go! See you soon for the next chapter!

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